本帖最后由 piaosongnan 于 2012-5-4 12:37 编辑
Berserk Races for Skyrim (with face anims) v 0.5
Name: Berserk Races
Version: 0.5
Date: 05/03/2012
Category: Hair and Face Models
Adds races with face morphs from the Berserk manga.
Currently, this mod adds five races. Guts, a male oriented race, Casca, a female oriented race, Schierke, a female oriented race, Farnese, a female oriented race and Griffith, a male oriented race. Any of the oposite races for both Guts and Casca isn't/won't be worked on because of obvious reasons.
Schierke's just has the head parts set for the male sex, but that's only you don't see a horrible glitch when you're selecting the race with the sex set to male in the chargen.
They also have face morphs for expressions, I did them manually and I suck at modeling, sorry for that. Also has partial voices (only attacks, power attacks, dead cry, block, and all that stuff). Schierke has no voices yet.
Since version 0.5 they're named as follows:
Guts Race = Black Swordsman
Griffith Race = White Hawk
Casca Race = Ex-Commander
Schierke Race = Witch of the Forest
Farnese Race = Witch in Training
Also since this version, I gave Guts and Griffith separate body textures for their respective races. They can be found in their respective textures directories in the folder called body.
None of these changes should affect your saves/plugins created with this as master.
For Guts I used the Male_Body_No_Hairy mod found in nexus. For Griffith I used that same one and the Male Body Vein Removal, found in nexus too.
You NEED an x117 skeleton in both "\meshes\actors\character\character assets" and "\meshes\actors\character\character assets female" or you'll get a CTD everytime you select the Schierke race.
I've included one in the "Option" folder contained in this 7z. Use it ONLY if you have no x117 skeleton yet.
1. Erase gutsrace.esp (Ignore this if you're installing this for the first time)
2. Extract the files to your Skyrim directory.
3. If it asks to overwrite, say yes, it'll probably do if you had any of the mods this was based on.
4. Activate berserkraces.esm
5. Enjoy.
You see, I had to merge both Guts' race and Casca's race in a single .esm, because having them separated caused the FLST record problem I mention in Incompatibility. This however will bring a problem for you: Your character will have no head since Guts' race changed its FormID.
What you have to do to fix your save (it worked for me anyways), is open the save, you'll see your Guts has no head, open the console, type "player.setrace Guts" (no quotes), then type "Showracemenu" (no quotes) and okay it. After that you save the game, close it, reopen, load your game and you'll notice you STILL have no head. Don't worry. Open the console again, type "Showracemenu" again, and you'll notice your race is set correctly. Well, just go up/down one race and QUICKLY go back to the Guts race. If you did it correctly, after you okay this, you'll have your stats intact.
Sorry you have to do this, but I really didn't predict the formlists would overwrite each other.
I changed Guts mouth to be separated into Teeth and InnerMouth, and the Teeth didn't want to show right away ingame with my Guts character.
So I had to follow the same workaround. Only this time after reloading Skyrim he'll have his head, doesn't matter, he still doesn't have his teeth, so do the same you did before.
This only happens if you had a Guts character already.
Also make sure to delete both mouth.nif and mouth.tri from "Skyrim\Data\Meshes\Armor\gutshead\", since they aren't used anymore and they will just clutter your directory.
1. Go to /Data and erase berserkraces.esm
2. Go to /Data/Meshes/Armor/Berserk/ and erase Casca, gutshead, Schierke, Farnese and Grifith directories.
2. Go to /Data/Textures/Armor/Berserk/ and erase Casca, GutsHead, Schierke, Farnese and Grifith directories.
3. Go to /Data/Sound/Voice/skyrim.esm/ and erase MaleGuts, FemaleCasca and FemaleSchierke directories.
File directories:
It WILL conflict with any mod that modifies the original FLST records that contain VTYP records, such as VoicesPlayer (you'll lose the voice for the races).
To fix it, you'll have to manually add the VTYP records in this mod to the FLSTs in that mod with TesVSnip. I don't know of any mod currently doing it, but if/when it exists, it will conflict.
An application to patch any mod modifying FLST records might be nice. Too bad I can't code to save my life, so that would have to wait.
EDIT: I'm investigating a way to fix this. The Racial Compatibility mod could help here. Not sure yet.
Known Issues or Bugs
- Any mods modifying the FLSTS modified here will overwrite them, resulting in losing the voices for every race in this mod. I can't fix it since it seems to be a CK limitation. Sorry, but you can fix it with tesvsnip.
- The heads will probably clip with some helmets. It's too bad we no longer get to use .tris for headgears. Now that I realized I can't just copy ALL the morphs from a tri to a new one with the had set a bit more to the back,
this would be harder to fix than what I thought.
- Expression morphs are kind of wonky because I suck at this.
- Griffith has no other expressions than MoodAnger, DialogueAnger, CombatAnger and CombatShout, everything else is the syllables so he can talk. This is intended, since the Eclipse he became an expressionless and heartless bastard.
0.50, 05/03/2012 - Added Griffith's Race
0.40, 04/25/2012 - Added Farnese's Race.
0.31, 04/11/2012 - Added voices for Schierke.
Now you can make a follower with her race.
0.3, 04/10/2012 - Added Schierke's race.
Edited Casca's and Schierke's face textures a bit.
Added lip color and Cheek color texture for Schierke, and lip color texture for Casca.
0.21, 04/07/2012 - Improved Guts expressions and gave him all the syllables such as Aah and Eee.
Also separated his mouth into Teeth and InnerMouth, so you'll have to use the workaround mentioned before.
You can also make a companion with his race now.
0.2, 2012/04/05 - Added Casca's race and merged both races in a single master file.
0.1, 2012/04/02 - Initial release, with Guts' race only.
- Add voices for Griffith. He has no clips in the original game, so I have to find some of either the same voice actor or some other VA that sounds like his.
- Add voices for Farnese. She doesn't have much voice clips in the original game. I need voice clips of Yuuko Goto with no background noise and that actually fit Farnese.
- Add more characters.
Tools Used
3DS Max
Readme Generator
Creation Kit
BSA Unpacker in the FOMM
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