ldfxf 发表于 2012-3-29 19:30


本帖最后由 ldfxf 于 2012-4-15 04:09 编辑

原帖地址:Dovahkiin Relaxes Too

简单介绍:1. DescriptionI am very tired of seeing Dovahkiin stand with nothing to do. I've always wondered why I cannot warm my hands with campfire, or why I cannot take a bath in hot spring near Darkwater Crossing. So I created this. Maybe there are similar mods somewhere but I cannot find out. I just share this for someone's convenience.作为主角什么都不能做只是傻站着时不是很无聊?为毛我不能在篝火前取暖,为毛我不能在温泉里洗澡。现在好了,靠这个MOD你的角色也能像其他人那样做各种互动了。2. How To UseJust shout 'Dovahkiin's Relax'. It's safe to shout in city since it's silent. Shout and relax, then shout and start off. What happens will vary by what your Dovahkiin is facing in front.如何使用一、RELAX模式:安装后进入游戏就提示学会新技能Dovahkiin’s Relax 然后在魔法中选中(注:不在龙吼类而是在力量里面)使用龙吼(默认Z键):Dovahkiin’s Relax在城里也可以用,不用担心被NPC告扰民,因为这个是无声的。吼了就可以放松了,再吼一次停止。具体发生什么主要是看你的角色正对着什么。If you shout it toward ...- someone you haven't greeted frequently:you will greet to him/her.如果有人你会和他打招呼- anything or nothing, but in SNEAK stance:you will sit or lay down on the ground.蹲下来面前没有东西的时候:你会坐下或者躺在地上(蹲下动作恢复后还在潜行状态请再按一次蹲下,否则系统会认为你还蹲着。)- hand-warming fires as campfires, bonfires, forge, etc.:you will warm hands.在篝火营火和锻造炉前你会伸手取暖- chairs, benches, tables:you will sit down and drink something (pretendedly) or read some book.在椅子长凳桌子前你会坐下然后拿起杯子喝点酒或者看书- beds, bedrolls:you will lay down and sleep (if they are vanilla beds - may not work for mod beds.)Caution - It's never comparing to great SeeYouSleep. Just for tasting.床,铺盖卷你会躺下休息,(游戏本身设计的床,如果是MOD做的恐怕不能)注意这个不如“看你睡觉”MOD的效果,这个只是做做样子的。- stumps:you will sit down on them. (Do you remember the first visit to Riverwood on Stormcloak side?)树桩坐在上面- walls that someone can lean on:you can also lean on it if not used.任何其他人能依靠的墙壁如果别人没靠着你都能靠着- rails that someone can lean on:you can also lean on it if not used.其他NPC能依靠的围栏你也能依靠了 - bar counters that barkeepers wait:you can also wait there if not used.酒吧台也能靠伙计不在的话你可以Cosplay一下酒保,当然不会有人找你买东西- meditation place in High Hrothgar:
you will meditate there.
你会在那里冥想- dedicated place for praying:
you will pray (raising your arms in front, standing) there.
Perhaps you can cooperate with Heimskr.
你会祈祷(举起双手站立)- chickens:you will feed them. At first you will greet to them. Never mind. Talk to animals.小鸡你可以给它们喂食。首先你会和它们打招呼。不要紧,和动物们聊聊吧。- crops:you will hoe around them.农作物你能耕作了- nothing:you will do something including sweeping the floor, reading books or notes, or drinking something (pretendedly).There might be something other than that. If so I forgot them.面前没东西的话你会睡在地板上,读书和纸条,或喝东西

Use following switch power. Also see decription in game.
DRT: Lazy Man - You will lay down instead of sitting down.
DRT: Pilgrim's Faith - You will meditate instead of laying down.
DRT: Reticent Man - You will not greet.
DRT: Touchable Affection - You will hug your spouse if your spouse can respond.
You should try this when your spouse is walking, or just hit the key frequently.
DRT: Tough Face - You won't sweep floors, feed chickens, hoe around crops.
You will clean your sword or just stand crossing your arms instead.
Lazy Man 懒人,你只会躺下而不是坐下
Pilgrim's Faith 朝圣者的信念 - 你会沉思,而不是躺下。
Reticent Man 沉默寡言的人 - 你不会打招呼。
Touchable Affection 可触摸的感受 - 你会拥抱你的配偶。最好是在配偶走动的时候拥抱,或者是不停的按键。(没娶老婆没测试)
Tough Face 硬朗的面貌 - 当平时站立的时候你不再扫地危机或者耕地了。你会擦拭你的剑或者交叉肩膀站着。

These powers will be added automatically WITHIN 3 MINUTES IN REAL from game start.

3. Tips, Troubles- You can evacuate almost at anytime and from any stuck caused from animation by SHOUT AGAIN or JUMP key.Unequip and re-equip your weapon if you have stuck with your weapon in your hand.
- Change your camera to 3rd person view by your own.
I don't want to lock your camera, nor disable your control.
Doing them from script sometimes invoke bugs of Skyrim.- WARNING: DO NOT TRY SLEEPING ON BEDROLLS IN SMALL TENT. Your camera cannot work properly there (since normally you cannot enter there). Extra care is needed with campsite mods to build your immersion. See also next section.提示,问题如果动画卡住你可以随时通过该龙吼或跳跃取消如武器卡在手里了请收起武器再取消装备。请自行将镜头调整至第三人曾。我不想锁定你的镜头或控制用脚本来控制这些有可能会导致BUG警告:别在小帐篷的铺盖上睡觉。那里游戏镜头不正确(因为正常游戏你是无法进入那里的)所以如果你使用了露营地类的MOD需要格外注意。请向下阅读。4. Option StuffFor people who want animated sleep anywhere than fixed beds and bedrolls, I prepared portable bedroll. You can create them at tanning rack, or purchase it at general store. Search 'Portable Bed Rolls'(xx005e34).可选内容为想要在任何地方都有睡眠动画可看的朋友我准备了可携带的铺盖。你可以在制皮架上制造。或者在杂货店购买。或者搜索”portable bed rolls”(xx005e34)
To use portable bedroll, follow procedure below.(1)Drop 'Packed Bed Roll' to the ground. Place it where you want.(2)SNEAK activate it. Actual 'Portable Bed Roll' will be rolled out.(3)Sleep by relax power or normal activation.If you sleep with activation, it will work like SeeYouSleep.Actual sleep dialog shows up after 15 sec pause, or activating bedroll again(though the crosshair is invisible - look down and press 'E').(4)SNEAK activate 'Portable Bed Roll' to pack it again.照以下说明使用铺盖卷1把铺盖卷扔到你想放的地方2蹲下激活。铺盖卷会铺开3使用龙裔的休息或者激活键来睡觉如果是用激活键,那么看上去就想“看你睡觉”那样。睡觉的对话框会在15秒后出现,或是再次激活铺盖卷。准星会消失-向下看再按E就行4蹲下激活铺盖卷来收起。
5. InstallCopy all files in archive into <YourSkyrim>/Data folder.安装复制文件夹到你的/DATA目录并用MOD软件激活esp或用NMM安装6. UninstallDelete all files below:Data/dvahkiinrelax.espData/scripts/aaarelax.pexData/scripts/aaadovahkiinrelaxquest.pexData/scripts/aaafoodsackplacer.pexData/scripts/source/aaarelax.pexData/scripts/source/aaadovahkiinrelaxquest.pex删除直接删除相关文件或用NMM删除
. Version History
2012.4.9 1.4 - Enhance: Idle control function, Combat idle.
2012.4.2 1.3 - Bug fix: Winterhold warp and possible crash. Enhance: HighHrothgar courtesy and market study.
2012.3.31 1.2 - Bug fix: for extraordinary heavy idlers. Enhance: Pray and ledge sit.
2012.3.30 1.1 - Bug fix: opposite heading sleeping on beds.
2012.3.29 1 - initial.
2012年4月9日 1.4 增加:姿势控制模块,战斗姿势
2012年4月2日 1.3 修正BUG:冬堡跳出的错误。 增加:霍斯加礼仪和市场研究

2012年3月31日 1.2 修正BUG:增加:祷告和坐在窗台
2012年3月30日 1.1 修正BUG:在床上睡觉时头部错误。
2012年3月29日 1 第一版



ysj001 发表于 2012-3-29 19:32


baddreamangle 发表于 2012-3-29 19:33


LetterBox 发表于 2012-3-29 19:33

本帖最后由 LetterBox 于 2012-3-29 19:38 编辑

刚发过不过解说详细 谢谢{:3_63:}http://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/thread-2978817-1-1.html

2012san 发表于 2012-3-29 19:33

一楼依然度娘 发表于 2012-3-29 19:35

这个好=。=要是能按e激活就更赞了 0.0

幻想的幻 发表于 2012-3-29 19:37


biemofeiliang 发表于 2012-3-29 19:41


troyser 发表于 2012-3-29 19:44


jully11 发表于 2012-3-29 19:47


85090760 发表于 2012-3-29 19:49

ldfxf 发表于 2012-3-29 19:50


marsorochi 发表于 2012-3-29 19:53

這東西 真有趣 謝謝樓主大大

lclsaber 发表于 2012-3-29 20:17


ralfjr 发表于 2012-3-29 20:17


`肖扯淡 发表于 2012-3-29 20:25


nongsisuanl 发表于 2012-3-29 20:30

这不错··   感谢分享·········

jy007123 发表于 2012-3-29 20:35

chainiao77 发表于 2012-3-29 20:37

这个 要是真的就太强大了

屋顶的魔法师 发表于 2012-3-29 20:38


liwz153128979 发表于 2012-3-29 20:41

LetterBox 发表于 2012-3-29 19:33 static/image/common/back.gif
刚发过不过解说详细 谢谢http://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/thread-2978817-1-1.html


skyring 发表于 2012-3-29 20:48

很不错 感谢分享

shenzhiqishi1 发表于 2012-3-29 20:50


无奈的鱼 发表于 2012-3-29 20:53


°°° 发表于 2012-3-29 20:54


alexkahn 发表于 2012-3-29 20:56


wtjrx 发表于 2012-3-29 21:00


凉宫控 发表于 2012-3-29 21:00


wleizhen 发表于 2012-3-29 21:07


玩疯之哥 发表于 2012-3-29 21:31

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