myhhh 发表于 2013-6-10 20:01

【汉化】 Random Sex Mod for SexLab随机爱爱 7/13 update

本帖最后由 myhhh 于 2013-7-13 19:43 编辑

= Random Sex Mod for SexLab =
已和A大沟通,同意汉化,上帖的BUG好像挺多的= =原本这就不想放了,和作者说好了,于是还是就放了,原则是愿者上钩,没人那把刀架在你脖子上。
又是蛋疼的翻译This mod pairs random NPCs together for sex using the SexiS and/or SexLab frameworks.
这个MOD是基于Sexis/SexLab框架下允许NPC一起爱爱的MODFull credit goes to WaxenFigure for the concept and his implementation in his Sex Addicts mod. I have shamelessly pulled some of my code from his mod. He has also very graciously stated that he has no issue with me releasing this, despite the fact that my mod together with the SexiS defeated mod covers most of the functionality of his mod. 这完全归功于WaxenFigure的Sex AddictsMOD,我很无耻的从中拉取了大量的代码,他还很客气的让我拿去用,尽管在Sexis中已经涵盖了他MOD里的大量功能
As of 04/28 I have ported this mod over to SexLab. I will leave the SexiS download available but I do not intend to update it in the future.截至4月28日,我已经移植这个mod到SexLab。我将离开SexiS下载,但我不打算在未来的更新。Requirements for SexLab version. 要求版本SexLab。SkyUI MCMSexLab FrameworkSexLab ResourcesFNIS I set up an MCM screen for my options as, quite honestly, it's a little hard to cast a configuration menu spell when Lydia is grinding one out on the player's face. When my mod is first loaded, it is switched off. You will need to go into the MCM menu and switch the mod on before you will see any action.前半句没搞懂。第一次运行MOD的时候,请在MCM里切换将MOD设置激活。
The following refers to the SexLab version of this mod. The SexiS version should be considered obsolete. 以下指的是SexLab版本,Sexis不再提及。Each time the code loops, one victim and one or two attackers are selected along with zero to four masturbating onlookers. The sequence of events is this:代码每次循环,一个受害者,选择一个或两名袭击者与零到四名DIY围观一起。事件的顺序是这样的:(1) Each attacker runs towards the victim.(1)每个攻击者跑向受害者。(2) If this is a threesome, the first attacker to reach the victim follows the victim until the second attacker reaches the victim.(2)如果一次三人,第一个攻击者先跑过来,然后在等第二个攻击者跑过来。(3) The sex act is started.(3)开始爱爱(4) Any assigned masturbators now make their way to the sex act in progress.(4)当角色开始自摸时会影响周围的人
(5) Upon reaching the sex act, masturbators start masturbating. (5)被角色行为印象,受影响者开始自摸(立直、一发、国士无双、胡了,役满= =)The time between each loop is fully adjustable by specifying minimum and maximum intervals between iterations. Up to 90 minutes can be set up between iterations of the loop, so you can happily explore Skyrim with only the occasional surprise, or you can set up a 10 second loop and get a major orgy going in Whiterun or Solitude! 每个循环之间的时间是完全可调的指定最小和最大迭代之间的时间间隔。长达90分钟可以设立循环迭代之间的,所以你可以愉快地探索“天际”只是偶尔的惊喜,或者你可以设置10秒的循环,并获得在雪漫或孤独一大狂欢!(翻译机不错,直接拉下来了)Note that since I have changed the initial selection to a Quest that fills ReferenceAlias entries, NPCs can be selected from within the entire loaded area and not just the player's cell. This sometimes means that things may be a little slow to start up if attackers have to run some distance to reach their victims.请注意,由于我已经改变了初始选择一个任务,填补ReferenceAlias​​条目的NPC可以选自在整个负荷区域之内,而不仅仅是球员的细胞。这有时意味着事情可能会有点慢启动,如果攻击者运行一段距离,以达到他们的受害者。(最后句懒得翻了,大概是触发条件后,可能会等上一段时间。)
================= 华丽的分割线 =============关于上个插件的,反响不是很好,有N多人PM问我这个那个,我用的是MO管理器,NMM没有测试过,那东西不是很好用,用完MO后基本就不用重装游戏系统,同学们可以考虑一下用MO来试试,不知道的同学,可以去看下四姐的帖子:随后关于MOD使用后出现的任何不良后果,本人概不负责,想清楚了在下载,召唤版主来加个隐藏。
7/13版本。华华丽丽的这个东西的BUG好像已经被修正了,记得勾选的时候不要选择playe only,会没有效果,

原账号忘记了 发表于 2013-6-10 20:17


先佐 发表于 2013-6-10 20:21


hgtcld1 发表于 2013-6-10 20:21


1016172029 发表于 2013-6-10 20:29


shifish 发表于 2013-6-10 20:30


waiye1992 发表于 2013-6-10 20:32


膝盖中了一打箭 发表于 2013-6-10 20:45


marsafeng 发表于 2013-6-10 20:51


shaoyi668 发表于 2013-6-10 21:08


adx1115 发表于 2013-6-10 21:15


luxifadeyanlei 发表于 2013-6-10 21:21


kit1858644 发表于 2013-6-10 21:27


lion630 发表于 2013-6-10 21:34

SexLab Resources

风!风!风! 发表于 2013-6-10 21:51


qwh1011 发表于 2013-6-10 22:35


simonia 发表于 2013-6-10 22:47


xifangjile 发表于 2013-6-10 22:54


夜空的旋律 发表于 2013-6-10 23:40


546852793 发表于 2013-6-10 23:53


pky867 发表于 2013-6-11 00:02


轶轩 发表于 2013-6-11 00:39


a9958568 发表于 2013-6-11 02:23


zhoukidon 发表于 2013-6-11 05:19


authors 发表于 2013-6-11 09:35


jhr5138559 发表于 2013-6-11 11:39

支持楼主 辛苦了 用了楼主汉化的东西一直没出现过问题,很棒{:3_106:}!

閉┣┖眼 发表于 2013-6-11 11:57


yunxuyaoling 发表于 2013-6-11 12:42


gary8495 发表于 2013-6-11 12:56


ch88658968 发表于 2013-6-11 13:26

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查看完整版本: 【汉化】 Random Sex Mod for SexLab随机爱爱 7/13 update