爱猫宅 发表于 2015-10-8 21:15

【授权+汉化】Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul 完整的炼金与烹饪大修

本帖最后由 爱猫宅 于 2017-5-22 19:37 编辑

原址http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69306/?作者kryptopyr 版本1.2汉化者:爱猫宅(完全汉化了,感谢内大爷帮我汉化mcm脚本、感谢上古卷轴3交流组的热心人 ,感谢上古卷轴吧那些汉化usep的好心人 再次鞠躬感谢)


前置:3dlc、skse、Wiseman303's Flora Fixes介绍请看http://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/forum.php ... 6orderby%3Ddateline

主要的说完了,下面让我说说特别的有mcm!80%的东西都可以在mcm中调整!改动了炼金技能树!以及其他非常多的东西,所以认真看下面的不兼容其他没有补丁的新增原料的mod(不会ctd,但是效果就会不一致) 如果你使用了SparrowPrince的WATER mod(现在改名为The Ruffled Feather - Mod Collection),你需要取消WATER Plants.esp,其功能已经全部集成于CACO
CACO将一些非炼金材料变为了炼金材料,如灵魂荚、三牙海象的牙齿,如果其他的MOD使用这些项目的原版配方或有任务的要求,那么你将需要CACO项目转换回它的原版。有一个简单的方法,供您在CACO的MCM做到这一点。只需进入mcm,勾选“禁用物品交换”框,然后点击你需要有转换回原版。在清单中的任何相关项目将被转换回自己的原版形式。您可以在任何时候在原版和CACO项目之间进行切换请使用WRYE BASH 制作Bashed Patch作者写的兼容补丁说明Perk mods:Ordinator: Let CACO override Ordinator. A patch is available here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70272/?(和Ordinator的兼容补丁在这)PerMa: Let CACO override PerMa_Master.esp and Perma_Thief.esp. If you run PaMa - ingredients and potions will be a mess. - Patch is being worked on(和PerMa的兼容补丁在制作中)SkyRe: Let CACO override SkyRe_Main. If you run the ReProccer - ingredients and potions will be a mess. - No idea if patchable.(没有和skyre的兼容补丁)SPERG: Patch available here:http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70355/?(和SPERG的兼容补丁在这)Other mods:Hunterborn: Patch is in the works (Teabag86)(桃花君汉化的天生猎人补丁制作完成,但一定要开新档!!!!!!!)
HarvestOverhaul: included in CACO(HarvestOverhaul这个mod已经包含在CACO中)至于requiem?作者没说作者自己做了以下几个mod的兼容补丁 USKP, The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal, and Wyrmstooth.安装时请只勾选自己需要的esp因为用了许多其他人的材质,所以作者只给我了esp和脚本的汉化授权,主体请去n网下载……但我还是分流了23333333更新日志5.1更新1.2Version 1.2Added new bird nest meshes created by Teabag86 and inspired by the mod "Chicken Butthurt Minimizer" by ShinGouki. The number of eggs in each nest is randomized each time the nest respawns. Also included is a modified version of the script from "Daily Eggs" by Ceruulean to update Chicken nests every 24 hours.Completely overhauled of all Ingredient sounds, including the addition of several new custom sounds. Ingredients now use more appropriate sounds and don't just default to the same generic pickup/drop sounds. Thanks to Teabag86 for doing all of this work.Added new load screens created by Teabag86 that feature CACO-related alchemy tips. MCM option added to enable or disable the new load screens.Attack data for bombs is now handled by an SKSE plugin created by Excinerus. This solves the issue of vampires not being able to use the bombs. It also means that CACO no longer needs to edit the Player record. Any patches that carry over the player attack data will need to be updated. The CACO-Disparity patch has been removed, as it is no longer needed.Added 70 new Sulfur Deposits that can be mined with a pickaxe to acquire sulfur. Thanks to Excinerus for the new mesh.Sulfur and Beeswax were added to Vendor lists. Onyx and Amber were added to some of the gemstone lists.Improved the efficiency of the script that runs when you open the cooking menu, and eliminated the clicking sound that occured when you opened the cooking menu.Chicken Feather textures no longer conflict with SMIM (Static Mesh Improvement Mod).CACO now includes SMIM changes to Tern and Tern Feathers. If you were using SMIM-DragonbornTernFix.esp, you no longer need to use this plugin when using CACO.Alcohol Inebriation stages should now transition correctly, and the Alcohol Tolerance level should now increase properly.No more random Inebriation messages. These notifications were caused by NPCs drinking beverages out of their inventories. The alcohol effect script will no longer run on NPCs while they are in combat, and the inebriation messages will only show the player's inebriation level.Added a redundancy check as a backup to make sure that the drunk Idle stops playing when you drop below the Drunk threshold.Settings for stackable Restore effects should now be properly preserved after saving and reloading.When doing the Farming Job quest, the player will now be paid for multiple crops instead of receiving 1 gold per item. You can adjust the number of crops required for payment using new MCM options.Increased the speed that the Alchemy skill levels by 25%.Cooking food recipes that produce multiple items will now properly give Cooking XP. Cooking XP formula has been adjusted to compensate for this.Small change to potion script to allow CACO to handle the creation of multiple potions at once. This was done for better compatibility with mods like Ordinator. Thank you to ServantOfSin for suggesting this change.Potion maintenance script that runs on game load should no longer return a none object for SetWeight(), which was resulting in some non-critical papyrus log errors.Spriggan Sap can now be harvested using a dagger equipped in either hand. Now any weapon with WeapTypeDagger/MaterialDaedric keywords will work, including daggers added by other mods. The "CACO_WeapHarvestSpriggan" keyword can also be used to make other mod-added weapons compatible.You can no longer harvest hearts, eyes, flesh, etc. from sleeping or unconscious NPCs.Livers can now be harvested from dead Orcs (instead of Elven Hearts).Flesh can now be harvested from NPCs using any dagger or a scalpel. The player no longer needs to have the Anatomist perk to harvest Flesh. However, Flesh will only be harvested from NPCs if the player has completed Namira's quest OR if the Cannibal option is enabled in the MCM.Added MCM option that will mark a dead NPC as "HasBeenEaten" after the player has harvested their Blood or Flesh. If using a mod that allows your vampire or werewolf character to feed on dead actors, this should prevent you from being able to feed on NPCs that have already been harvested for their flesh or blood. A side effect of this option, if enabled, is that it is no longer possible to harvest BOTH Flesh and Blood, you must choose one or the other."RACE" keywords where added to the harvest conditions. Compatibility with CACO's harvest feature can be extended to races added by other mods by simply adding the appropriate RACE keyword.The Damage Undead poisons now work correctly. Unfortunately, this required me to edit a handful of ability spells that gave vampires, ghosts, and other undead the Resist Poison effect. This may result in conflicts between CACO and some enemy/creature overhaul mods.A number of items weren't being correctly recognized by iNeed; these should now all be fixed (Broth, Wolf Liver, Beef Jerky, etc).Slight adjustment to the texture of the Ironwood Tree to blend a bit better with other vegetation. Thanks to Exoclyps for this change.Several new MCM options to assist with compatibility and troubleshooting issues.In addition to all of this, there are a lot of other small bug fixes and minor changes that have been made. I'm not going to list them all here, but I'll upload the full changelog under the 'Readme' tab for anyone who is curious to see all the changes.10.30更新1.1一大堆修复,增加Wiseman303's Flora Fixes的前置,提高兼容性10.10更新1.03一大堆bug修复增加果汁配方增加一堆兼容补丁10.17更新1.04一大堆bug修复增加黄油蟹腿修正mcm不显示问题以及更多……

一天到晚游的鱼 发表于 2015-10-8 21:16


激萌の年糕团⑨ 发表于 2015-10-8 21:42


master00753 发表于 2015-10-8 21:55


shiny253 发表于 2015-10-8 21:57

大赞 ~                  

私は1枚の紳士 发表于 2015-10-8 22:00


lc16022 发表于 2015-10-8 22:12


cat3102  发表于 2015-10-8 22:12


a418048021 发表于 2015-10-8 22:24

好东西 太贵了{:3_43:}

夏天De雨 发表于 2015-10-8 22:36


maxmax1111 发表于 2015-10-8 22:40

不错的东西啊 很有用的样子

pz9167 发表于 2015-10-8 22:45


LINGBOレイ 发表于 2015-10-8 22:53


昙华 发表于 2015-10-8 23:15


jung123 发表于 2015-10-8 23:51


BOSSX 发表于 2015-10-9 00:17

不错 支持

212liling 发表于 2015-10-9 00:23


lovcln 发表于 2015-10-9 01:14


vspvvvvv 发表于 2015-10-9 08:53


Manga灬文 发表于 2015-10-9 09:07


tjljunjin 发表于 2015-10-9 09:21


133961314 发表于 2015-10-9 09:33


_Sā,Βēr^ 发表于 2015-10-9 11:52


希瓦拉尔 发表于 2015-10-9 11:53


ワ下嗰路口 发表于 2015-10-9 12:14


Immortal。 发表于 2015-10-9 12:19


254194586 发表于 2015-10-9 13:16


ぃ碎花已乱的风 发表于 2015-10-9 13:18


不讲已成真 发表于 2015-10-9 13:58

感谢大大的   分享   楼主好人啊

big5046 发表于 2015-10-9 15:59

本帖最后由 big5046 于 2015-10-9 17:06 编辑

请使用WRYE BASH 制作Bashed Patch
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查看完整版本: 【授权+汉化】Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul 完整的炼金与烹饪大修