标题: 搬运自N网的“平衡”MOD,我只是一名搬运工 [打印本页]

作者: sz402008256    时间: 2015-11-17 21:51
标题: 搬运自N网的“平衡”MOD,我只是一名搬运工
本帖最后由 sz402008256 于 2015-11-18 07:45 编辑

原作者Baardvaark,搬运自http://www.nexusmods.com/divinit ... %26preview%3D&pUp=1MOD改动如下:
1.      高属性每点对技能提供4%的有效性,而不是5%。低属性惩罚每点的8%而不是10%(经过我和作者的交流明白了什么意思,举个例子,战技的粉碎拳在技能描述里面比如力量8的时候100%击倒,增加一点提高4,而不是5了,低于力量8少一点击倒几率减少8 而不是10,智力敏捷技能同理)
2.      幸运发现表改动,获得材料的机会增加,增加了幸运1和2的发现稀有物品的几率,增加幸运3以上了现传说武器和护甲的几率。移除了幸运增加的奖金。
3.      小BOSS(比如灯塔boss)一定会掉落史诗/传说/神圣装备。(取决于你的等级,8级开始掉落传说装备,15级开始掉落神圣装备)
4.      降低绘画的价值(这条简直残忍)
5.      减少一次战斗只能使用一次的技能的cd(比如治愈伤口)从60s至20s
6.      提高了各种状态的影响,潮湿+15火抗 -15 气抗,微暖+20水抗 -20火抗。醉酒增加1力量和体质,但 降低速度1,智力3,先攻5。用近战武器攻击眩晕目标也会使你眩晕(莫不是因为导电?2333333333)
7.      使用特殊箭矢花费5点ap而不是4 点.但敌人不收影响,因为用不同的数据文件。(日了汪,这条真心看不懂,这么改有什么好处)
8.      中级治愈药水回复生命从30%提高到35%,属性药水持续时间由3回合提高到5回合。
9.      严寒附加冰冷而不是冻结,潮湿+冰冷将会冻结,使他不会成为一个仅花费2ap的强力控制技能,而应该变成一个连招,严寒的cd将从8回合减少到5回合。(这特喵的削了一个控制神技,用了这个mod开局必须下雨了=.=)
10.   传送的目标区域缩小为10m,你仍然可以把据你15m的目标传送,但是传送范围只能在传送目标起始的10m内。(又一神技被作者削)
11.   占星者之杖将没有冷却时间。
12.   魅惑技能由6ap 提高至8ap(英文rapture我不知道这是什么技能,我一开始以为是鼓舞,但是后来我看是3ap,后来大神指出是魅惑)
13.   落石会创造一个有毒地面而不是油地面,为了僵尸天赋者提供的。
14.   弓箭的精确射击姿态增加的命中率由30%降低至25%,散射技能的伤害减少25%,作者是有多恨弓箭。
15.   阴影行走技能冷却由10回合减少至7回合
16.   可以使用树枝和带钉树枝和低等级的棍棒背刺(作者说为了更好的帮助盗贼度过前期...)
17.  天赋改动:避免机会主义者需要恶棍1而不是神射1。     玻璃大炮和独狼不再是不相容的。防风雨需要地系1而不是5。  健谈的法师需要意志4而不是5。元素游侠(应该是这个名字吧反正是弓箭的那个)需要神射4而不是5。铁皮和侧近蛇需要战技4而不是5。


作者: sz402008256    时间: 2015-11-17 21:55
This mod rebalances several skills, items, status effects, talent requirements, and various other things to make weak things better and overpowered stuff less effective. My primary motivation is to balance the game, but also to make combat more complex and fun. It
currently does not affect enemies, but that's in the future. I'm only editing stats files, which does not require the editor, but there's
still quite a bit I can do. Quite a lot I can't, as well, but you can make a request and I'll see if I can change something. Feedback is
very much appreciated. Let me know if I made any changes that I didn't note here (probably did), if anything isn't working or unbalanced, or future changes you'd to see.

Change list:

High attributes give 4% more effectiveness per point instead of 5%, and low attributes give a 8% penalty per point instead of 10%. Ugly numbers, but they offer just a bit more freedom for hybrids without overpowering characters. (May change it to a 7% penalty, may return high attribute bonus to 5%.)

Luck treasure tables improved (higher chance to get stuff, including a chance for 2 items luck 4-6), added small chance for rare items with Luck 1 and 2, legendary weapons and armor with luck 3+. Removed all luck bonuses from items and status effects.

Mini Bosses (like the lighthouse boss) will always drop a epic/legendary/divine item (depending on your level. For reference,
you start getting legendaries at level 8, and divine items at level 15)

Paintings reduced in value. (Suggestions for other overpriced, easy to find items would be good.)

Reduced real time cooldown of single combat use skills (like cure wounds) from 60 to 20 seconds. Don't know if that will mess anything up or overpower any ability, but it's sure more convenient for stuff like cure wounds for recuperating.

Changed various status effects to have slightly bigger effect. Wet gives 15 fire resist, -15 air, from 10 each, warm gives -20 fire resist, 20
water resist. Drunk now boosts strength and constitution by 1, but reduces speed by 1, intelligence by 3, and initiative by 5. (Used to boost luck). Hitting a stunned character with a melee weapon can stun you (Not sure if this works.)

All special arrows now cost 5 AP instead of 4. (I believe enemy arrows will be unaffected, since I think they use different skill data. I may make certain arrows cost 4, others 5, but I think a guaranteed hit arrow is still pretty strong regardless.)

Medium potions heal 35% health (from 30), attribute potions last 5 rounds instead of 3.

Bitter cold chills instead of freezes. (Wet and already chilled targets freeze when chilled. Use the ability as a combo, not a 2 AP CC by
itself.) Cooldown reduced from 8 to 5.

Teleport's area range is reduced to 10m (You can just send an enemy so far out of the fight with it at 15m). You can still reach a target up to 15m away, but you can only teleport them 10m from their starting position (12m with Far-Out Man).

Staff of Magus now has no cooldown (originally 1 turn CD).

Rapture costs 8 AP (from 6)

Boulder Dash creates a poison surface instead of oil. (To give zombie characters a low-level heal and differentiate it from midnight oi, though it may be too much like poison arrow now).

Ranger precision stance gives a 25% hit bonus instead of 30%.

Arrow Spray does 25% less damage (it should, anyway, changed damage multiplier from 50% to 25%, so not sure how that affects it.)

Walk in Shadows cooldown reduced from 10 to 7.

To help rogues early game, you can backstab with branches, nail-studded branches, and low-level cudgels (though I don't know if/where you can find cudgels.) I may add more crushing damage weapons that you can backstab with, but I want to make sure it doesn't bug anything.

Talent Requirement Changes:

Avoid Opportunists now requires Scoundrel 1 instead of Marskman 1

Glass Cannon and Lone Wolf are no longer incompatible.

Weatherproof now requires Geomancer 1 instead of Geomancer 5 (by the time you have 5 Geomancer, you've seen most of the weather. May make this 2 so a single splash point won't get you immunity, but I don't think it's too big of a deal.)

Elemental Ranger requirement dropped to Marksman 4, from 5.

Voluble Mage requirement reduced to 4 Willpower from 5

Iron Hide and Sidewinder requirements both reduced to 4 Man-At-Arms from 5.

Immediate Goals:

Improve enemies, particularly bosses, so they have higher willpower/bodybuilding, more speed, and hopefully better tactics if I can modify the AI.

Rebalance grenades and further balance arrows.

Improve loot so there's more variety and interesting effects.

Further refine skill balance.

Future goals (when the editor comes out):

Add new skills and more unique items.

Rebalance abilities like pickpocket, charisma, telekenisis, etc. so they all provide unique skills and effects, and remove all ability bonuses
(besides maybe weapon skills) from items.

Improve talent selection so all talents are worth taking (through custom scripting).

Maybe add some new quests and combat scenarios.

Add optional level upscaling so lower level enemies will level up your level so you'll never get overleveled

作者: fred_1952    时间: 2015-11-17 22:10
作者: 浩浩捉迷藏    时间: 2015-11-18 11:36
作者: ac4569    时间: 2015-11-18 12:45
先mark吧 以后再用,
作者: xuhang0512    时间: 2015-11-18 14:28
作者: mzb520    时间: 2015-11-18 15:35
作者: 万物之灵    时间: 2015-11-18 15:42
對比了原文件,發現了除了LUCK CHARM不知道怎麼改之外

作者: sz402008256    时间: 2015-11-18 19:54
万物之灵 发表于 2015-11-18 15:42
對比了原文件,發現了除了LUCK CHARM不知道怎麼改之外


作者: sz402008256    时间: 2015-11-18 19:55
本帖最后由 sz402008256 于 2015-11-18 19:56 编辑
浩浩捉迷藏 发表于 2015-11-18 11:36

for ee 的是加强版 直接点lastest files 找最新的就可以

作者: 浩浩捉迷藏    时间: 2015-11-19 00:29
sz402008256 发表于 2015-11-18 19:55
for ee 的是加强版 直接点lastest files 找最新的就可以


作者: momo516    时间: 2015-11-19 14:59
作者: sz402008256    时间: 2015-11-19 19:52
momo516 发表于 2015-11-19 14:59


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