4377 | | SetCellOwnership | UNK:9:Cell, UNK:35:Owner |
4378 | ref. | IsHorseStolen | |
4379 | | SetCellFullName | UNK:9:Cell, UNK:52:Message |
4380 | ref. | SetActorFullName | UNK:52:Message |
4381 | ref. | IsLeftUp | |
4382 | ref. | IsSneaking | |
4383 | ref. | IsRunning | |
4384 | ref. | GetFriendHit | |
4385 | ref. | IsInCombat | Integer |
4386 | ref. | SetPackDuration (SPDur) | Float |
4387 | ref. | PlayMagicShaderVisuals (PMS) | UNK:36:Effect Shader ID, Float:Time |
4388 | ref. | PlayMagicEffectVisuals (PME) | UNK:31:Magic Effect, Float:Time |
4389 | ref. | StopMagicShaderVisuals (SMS) | UNK:36:Effect Shader ID |
4390 | ref. | StopMagicEffectVisuals (SME) | UNK:31:Magic Effect |
4391 | | ResetInterior | UNK:9:Cell |
4392 | ref. | IsAnimPlaying | UNK:10:Animation Group |
4393 | ref. | SetActorAlpha (SAA) | Float, Integer:Int |
4394 | ref. | EnableLinkedPathPoints | |
4395 | ref. | DisableLinkedPathPoints | |
4396 | ref. | IsInInterior | |
4397 | | ForceWeather (fw) | UNK:33:Weather ID, Integer |
| Forces the active weather to the specified type, without transition. |
4398 | ref. | ToggleActorsAI | |
4399 | ref. | IsActorsAIOff | |
4400 | ref. | IsWaterObject | |
| Water condition used for drinking animation. |
4401 | ref. | GetPlayerAction | |
4402 | ref. | IsActorUsingATorch | |
4403 | ref. | SetLevel | Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer |
4404 | ref. | ResetFallDamageTimer | |
4405 | | IsXBox | |
4406 | ref. | GetInWorldspace | UNK:27:WorldSpace |
4407 | | ModPCMiscStat (ModPCMS) | UNK:41:Miscellaneous Stat, Integer |
4408 | | GetPCMiscStat (GetPCMS) | UNK:41:Miscellaneous Stat |
4409 | ref. | GetPairedAnimation (GPA) | |
| See if this reference is currently playing a paired animation. |
4410 | ref. | IsActorAVictim | |
4411 | | GetTotalPersuasionNumber | |
4412 | ref. | SetScale | Float |
| Set the scale of an object |
4413 | ref. | ModScale | Float |
| Modify the scale of an object |
4414 | | GetIdleDoneOnce | |
4415 | | KillAllActors (killall) | Actor |
4416 | ref. | GetNoRumors | |
4417 | ref. | SetNoRumors | Integer |
4418 | ref. | Dispel | UNK:11:Magic Item |
4419 | ref. | GetCombatState | |
4420 | | TriggerHitShader (ths) | Float |
4421 | ref. | GetWithinPackageLocation | UNK:78 ackageData (Location) |
4422 | | Reset3DState | |
4423 | ref. | IsRidingHorse | |
4424 | ref. | DispelAllSpells | |
4425 | ref. | IsFleeing | |
4426 | | AddAchievement | Integer |
4427 | ref. | DuplicateAllItems | Container, Integer:Ownership Added |
4428 | ref. | IsInDangerousWater | |
4429 | | EssentialDeathReload | String |
4430 | | SetShowQuestItems | Integer |
4431 | ref. | DuplicateNPCStats | Actor |
4432 | ref. | ResetHealth | |
4433 | ref. | SetIgnoreFriendlyHits (sifh) | Integer |
| Set whether an actor should ignore friendly hits (0-no, 1-yes) |
4434 | ref. | GetIgnoreFriendlyHits (gifh) | |
| See if an actor is ignoring friendly hits |
4435 | ref. | IsPlayersLastRiddenHorse | |
4436 | ref. | SetActorRefraction (sar) | Float |
4437 | ref. | SetItemValue | Integer |
4438 | | SetRigidBodyMass | Float |
4439 | ref. | ShowViewerStrings (svs) | |
4440 | | ReleaseWeatherOverride (rwo) | |
4441 | | SetAllReachable | Integer |
4442 | | SetAllVisible | Integer |
4443 | | SetNoAvoidance | Integer |
4444 | ref. | SendTrespassAlarm | Actor |
4445 | | SetSceneIsComplex | Integer |
4446 | | Autosave | |
4447 | | StartMasterFileSeekData | |
4448 | | DumpMasterFileSeekData | |
4449 | ref. | IsActor | |
4450 | ref. | IsEssential | |
4451 | ref. | PreloadMagicEffect | UNK:31:Magic Effect |
4452 | | ShowDialogSubtitles | Integer |
4453 | ref. | SetPlayerResistingArrest | |
4454 | | IsPlayerMovingIntoNewSpace | |
4455 | ref. | GetInCurrentLoc | UNK:61 ocation |
4456 | ref. | GetInCurrentLocAlias | UNK:63 uestAlias |
4457 | ref. | GetTimeDead | |
4458 | ref. | HasLinkedRef | UNK:59:Keyword |
4459 | ref. | GetLinkedRef | UNK:59:Keyword |
4460 | ref. | DamageObject (do) | Float |
4461 | ref. | IsChild | |
4462 | | GetStolenItemValueNoCrime | UNK:17:Faction |
4463 | | GetLastPlayerAction | |
4464 | | IsPlayerActionActive | Integer |
4465 | ref. | SetTalkingActivatorActor | Actor |
4466 | ref. | IsTalkingActivatorActor | Actor |
4467 | ref. | ShowBarterMenu (sbm) | Integer |
4468 | ref. | IsInList | UNK:37:Form List |
4469 | | GetStolenItemValue | UNK:17:Faction |
4470 | ref. | AddPerk | UNK:39 erk |
4471 | ref. | GetCrimeGoldViolent (getviolent) | UNK:17:Faction |
4472 | ref. | GetCrimeGoldNonviolent (getnonviolent) | UNK:17:Faction |
4473 | | ShowRepairMenu (srm) | |
4474 | ref. | HasShout | UNK:64:Shout |
4475 | | AddNote (AN) | UNK:40:Note |
4476 | | RemoveNote (RN) | UNK:40:Note |
4477 | | GetHasNote (GetN) | UNK:40:Note |
4478 | ref. | AddToFaction (Addfac) | UNK:17:Faction, Integer:Value |
4479 | ref. | RemoveFromFaction (Removefac) | UNK:17:Faction |
4480 | ref. | DamageActorValue (DamageAV) | UNK:5:Actor Value, Float:Amount |
| Damage an actor value. |
4481 | ref. | RestoreActorValue (RestoreAV) | UNK:5:Actor Value, Float:Amount |
| Restore an actor value. |
4482 | | TriggerHUDShudder (hudsh) | Float, Float, Float, Float |
| Trigger shudder effect on HUD. Params=Intensity/Duration. |
4483 | | GetObjectiveFailed | Quest, Integer |
4484 | | SetObjectiveFailed | Quest, Integer, Integer:State |
4485 | | SetGlobalTimeMultiplier (sgtm) | Float |
4486 | ref. | GetHitLocation | |
| What BGSBodyPart: IMB_ENUM was hit. -1 = none, 0 = torso, ... |
4487 | | IsPC1stPerson (pc1st) | |
| Is the player playing in 1st person mode? |
4488 | | PurgeCellBuffers (pcb) | |
| Forcibly unloads all unattached cells in cell buffers. |
4489 | ref. | PushActorAway | UNK:4:ObjectReferenceID, Integer |
4490 | ref. | SetActorsAI | Integer |
4491 | ref. | ClearOwnership | |
4492 | ref. | GetCauseofDeath | |
| What killed the actor |
4493 | ref. | IsLimbGone | Integer |
| Is BGSBodyPart: IMB_ENUM been dismembered |
4494 | ref. | IsWeaponInList | UNK:37:Form List |
| Is the current weapon in the form list |
4495 | ref. | PlayIdle | String |
| Play this idle on the current actor. |
4496 | | ApplyImageSpaceModifier (imod) | UNK:42:Imagespace Modifier ID, Float |
| Adds an imagespace modifier to the active list |
4497 | | RemoveImageSpaceModifier (rimod) | UNK:42:Imagespace Modifier ID, Float |
| Removes an imagespace modifier from the active list |
4498 | ref. | IsBribedbyPlayer | |
4499 | ref. | GetRelationshipRank | Actor |
4500 | ref. | SetRelationshipRank | Actor, Integer:Value |
4501 | | SetCellImageSpace | UNK:9:Cell, UNK:43:ImageSpace |
4502 | | ShowChargenMenu (scgm) | |
4503 | | GetVATSValue | Integer, Integer |
4504 | ref. | IsKiller | Actor |
4505 | ref. | IsKillerObject | UNK:37:Form List |
4506 | | GetFactionCombatReaction | UNK:17:Faction, UNK:17:Faction |
4507 | ref. | UseWeapon | UNK:21:Weapon, UNK:4 ocation, UNK:4:Target, Integer:NumAttacks, Integer:CrouchToReload,Integer:HoldFire, Integer:AlwaysHit, Integer oNoDamage, UNK:4:TargetLocation |
4508 | ref. | EvaluateSpellConditions (esc) | |
4509 | | ToggleMotionBlur (tmb) | |
| Toggle Motion Blur for the selected reference |
4510 | ref. | Exists | UNK:4:ObjectReferenceID |
4511 | ref. | GetGroupMemberCount | |
4512 | ref. | GetGroupTargetCount | |
4513 | | SetObjectiveCompleted | Quest, Integer, Integer:State |
| Set objective completion status: 0-Off, 1-On |
4514 | | SetObjectiveDisplayed | Quest, Integer, Integer:State |
| Set objective displayed status: 0-Off, 1-On |
4515 | | GetObjectiveCompleted | Quest, Integer |
| Get objective completion status: 0-Off, 1-On |
4516 | | GetObjectiveDisplayed | Quest, Integer |
| Get objective displayed status: 0-Off, 1-On |
4517 | | SetImageSpace | UNK:43:ImageSpace |
4518 | | PipboyRadio (prad) | String, UNK:4:ObjectReferenceID |
| Control the Pipboy radio. Enable, Disable, Tune |
4519 | ref. | RemovePerk | UNK:39 erk |
4520 | ref. | DisableAllActors (DisAA) | |
4521 | ref. | GetIsFormType | String |
4522 | ref. | GetIsVoiceType | UNK:49:VoiceType |
4523 | ref. | GetPlantedExplosive | |
4524 | | CompleteAllObjectives | Quest |
| Complete all of a quest's objectives |
4525 | ref. | IsScenePackageRunning | |
4526 | ref. | GetHealthPercentage | |
4527 | | SetAudioMultithreading (SAM) | Integer |
4528 | ref. | GetIsObjectType | UNK:32:Form Type |
4529 | | ShowChargenMenuParams (scgmp) | Integer, Integer, Integer |
4530 | ref. | GetDialogueEmotion | |
4531 | ref. | GetDialogueEmotionValue | |
4532 | | ExitGame (exit) | |
4533 | ref. | GetIsCreatureType | Integer |
4534 | | PlayerCreatePotion | UNK:31:Magic Effect, UNK:31:Magic Effect, UNK:31:Magic Effect |
4535 | | PlayerEnchantObject | UNK:21:Object, UNK:31:Magic Effect, UNK:31:Magic Effect |
4536 | | ShowWarning | String |
4537 | ref. | EnterTrigger | UNK:4:ObjectReferenceID |
4538 | ref. | MarkForDelete | |
4539 | | SetPlayerAIDriven | Integer |
4540 | ref. | GetInCurrentLocFormList | UNK:37:Form List |
4541 | ref. | GetInZone | UNK:50:EncounterZone |
4542 | ref. | GetVelocity | UNK:8:Axis |
| Gets Velocity on a reference |
4543 | ref. | GetGraphVariableFloat | String |
4544 | ref. | HasPerk | UNK:39 erk |
4545 | ref. | GetFactionRelation | Actor |
4546 | ref. | IsLastIdlePlayed | UNK:51:Idle Form |
4547 | | SetNPCRadio (snr) | Integer, UNK:4:ObjectReferenceID |
| Enable/Disable NPC radio playback: 0-Off, 1-On |
4548 | ref. | SetPlayerTeammate | Integer |
4549 | ref. | GetPlayerTeammate | |
4550 | | GetPlayerTeammateCount | |
4551 | ref. | OpenActorContainer | Integer |
4552 | | ClearFactionPlayerEnemyFlag | UNK:17:Faction |
4553 | ref. | ClearActorsFactionsPlayerEnemyFlag | |
4554 | ref. | GetActorCrimePlayerEnemy | |
4555 | ref. | GetCrimeGold | UNK:17:Faction |
4556 | ref. | SetCrimeGold | Integer:Integer , UNK:17:Faction |
4557 | ref. | ModCrimeGold | Integer:Integer , Integer, UNK:17:Faction |
4558 | | GetPlayerGrabbedRef | |
4559 | | IsPlayerGrabbedRef | UNK:4:TESObjectREFR |
4560 | | PlaceLeveledActorAtMe | UNK:21:ObjectID, Integer evelModifier, UNK:50:ForcedZone |
4561 | ref. | GetKeywordItemCount | UNK:59:Keyword |
4562 | | ShowLockpickMenu (slpm) | Integer |
4563 | ref. | GetBroadcastState | |
4564 | ref. | SetBroadcastState | Integer |
4565 | ref. | StartRadioConversation | Topic |
4566 | ref. | GetDestructionStage | |
4567 | ref. | ClearDestruction | |
4568 | ref. | CastImmediateOnSelf (cios) | UNK:11:Magic Item |
4569 | ref. | GetIsAlignment | UNK:54:Alignment |
4570 | | ResetQuest | Quest |
4571 | | SetQuestDelay | Quest, Float |
4572 | ref. | IsProtected | |
4573 | ref. | GetThreatRatio | Actor |
4574 | ref. | MatchFaceGeometry | Actor, Integer:Value |
4575 | ref. | GetIsUsedItemEquipType | UNK:55:EquipType |
4576 | | GetPlayerName | |
4577 | ref. | FireWeapon | UNK:21:Weapon |
4578 | ref. | PayCrimeGold | Integer, Integer, UNK:17:Faction |
4579 | ref. | UnusedFunction2 | Float |
4580 | ref. | MatchRace | Actor |
4581 | | SetPCYoung | Integer |
4582 | | SexChange | UNK:18:Sex, Integer |
4583 | ref. | IsCarryable | |
4584 | ref. | GetConcussed | |
4585 | | SetZoneRespawns | UNK:50:EncounterZone, Integer |
4586 | ref. | SetVATSTarget | Integer |
4587 | ref. | GetMapMarkerVisible | |
4588 | ref. | ResetInventory | |
4589 | | PlayerKnows | UNK:81:Knowable Form |
4590 | ref. | GetPermanentActorValue (GetPermAV) | UNK:5:Actor Value |
| Get an actor value ignoring temporary modifiers. [player.getav luck] |
4591 | ref. | GetKillingBlowLimb | |
| Which BGSBodyPart: IMB_ENUM received the killing blow |
4592 | ref. | GoToJail | UNK:17:Faction, Integer, Integer |
4593 | ref. | CanPayCrimeGold | UNK:17:Faction |
4594 | | ServeTime | |
4595 | ref. | GetDaysInJail | |
4596 | | EPAlchemyGetMakingPoison | |
4597 | | EPAlchemyEffectHasKeyword | UNK:59:Keyword |
4598 | | ShowAllMapMarkers (tmm) | Integer, Integer, Integer |
| Shows/hides map markers (1 shows, 0 hides)(1 travel(default), 0 no travel)(1 all, 0 all but hidden(default)). |
4599 | ref. | GetAllowWorldInteractions | |
4600 | ref. | ResetAI | |
4601 | | SetRumble | Float, Float, Float |
| Creates rumble in the controller (left motor) (right motor) (duration) |
4602 | | SetNoActivationSound | UNK:12:Sound |
| Set the sound to play when activation fails (Sound) |
4603 | | ClearNoActivationSound | |
| Clear the activation failure sound |
4604 | ref. | GetLastHitCritical | |
4605 | | AddMusic | UNK:57:Music |
4606 | | UnusedFunction3 | |
4607 | ref. | UnusedFunction4 | |
4608 | | SetPCToddler | Integer |
4609 | ref. | IsCombatTarget | Actor |
4610 | | TriggerScreenBlood (tsb) | Integer |
| Trigger screen blood |
4611 | ref. | GetVATSRightAreaFree | UNK:4:TESObjectREFR |
4612 | ref. | GetVATSLeftAreaFree | UNK:4:TESObjectREFR |
4613 | ref. | GetVATSBackAreaFree | UNK:4:TESObjectREFR |
4614 | ref. | GetVATSFrontAreaFree | UNK:4:TESObjectREFR |
4615 | ref. | GetIsLockBroken | |
4616 | | IsPS3 | |
4617 | | IsWin32 | |
4618 | ref. | GetVATSRightTargetVisible | UNK:4:TESObjectREFR |
4619 | ref. | GetVATSLeftTargetVisible | UNK:4:TESObjectREFR |
4620 | ref. | GetVATSBackTargetVisible | UNK:4:TESObjectREFR |
4621 | ref. | GetVATSFrontTargetVisible | UNK:4:TESObjectREFR |
4622 | ref. | AttachAshPile | Integer |
4623 | ref. | SetCriticalStage | UNK:58:CriticalStage |
4624 | ref. | IsInCriticalStage | UNK:58:CriticalStage |
4625 | ref. | RemoveFromAllFactions | |
4626 | | GetXPForNextLevel | |
4627 | | ShowLockpickMenuDebug (slpmd) | Integer |
4628 | | ForceSave | |
4629 | | GetInfamy | UNK:17:Faction |
4630 | | GetInfamyViolent | UNK:17:Faction |
4631 | | GetInfamyNonViolent | UNK:17:Faction |
4632 | ref. | UnusedFunction5 | |
4633 | | Sin | Float, Integer:Int |
4634 | | Cos | Float, Integer:Int |
4635 | | Tan | Float, Integer:Int |
4636 | | Sqrt | Float |
4637 | | Log | Float, Float |
4638 | | Abs | Float |
4639 | | GetQuestCompleted (GetQC) | Quest |
4640 | ref. | UnusedFunction6 | |
4641 | | PipBoyRadioOff | |
4642 | | AutoDisplayObjectives | Integer |
4643 | | IsGoreDisabled | |
4644 | | FadeSFX (FSFX) | Float |
4645 | ref. | SetMinimalUse | Integer |
4646 | | IsSceneActionComplete | UNK:67:Scene , Integer |
4647 | | ShowQuestStages (SQS) | Quest |
4648 | ref. | GetSpellUsageNum | UNK:11:Magic Item |
4649 | | ForceRadioStationUpdate (FRSU) | |
4650 | | GetActorsInHigh | |
4651 | | HasLoaded3D | |
4652 | | DisableAllMines | |
4653 | | SetLastExtDoorActivated | UNK:4:ObjectReferenceID |
4654 | | KillQuestUpdates (KQU) | |
4655 | | IsImageSpaceActive | UNK:42:Imagespace Modifier ID |
4656 | ref. | HasKeyword | UNK:59:Keyword |
4657 | ref. | HasRefType | UNK:60:RefType |
4658 | ref. | LocationHasKeyword | UNK:59:Keyword |
4659 | ref. | LocationHasRefType | UNK:60:RefType |
4660 | | CreateEvent | UNK:59:Keyword, UNK:61 ocation, UNK:4:Ref 1, UNK:4:Ref 2, Integer:Value 1, Integer:Value 2 |
4661 | ref. | GetIsEditorLocation | UNK:61 ocation |
4662 | ref. | GetIsAliasRef | UNK:63 uestAlias |
4663 | ref. | GetIsEditorLocAlias | UNK:63 uestAlias |
4664 | ref. | IsSprinting | |
4665 | ref. | IsBlocking | |
4666 | ref. | HasEquippedSpell (hasspell) | UNK:68:Casting Source |
4667 | ref. | GetCurrentCastingType (getcasting) | UNK:68:Casting Source |
4668 | ref. | GetCurrentDeliveryType (getdelivery) | UNK:68:Casting Source |
4669 | ref. | EquipSpell | UNK:7:Spell Item, UNK:68:Casting Source |
4670 | ref. | GetAttackState | |
| 0 = None, 1 = Draw, 2 = Swing, 3 = Hit, 4 = Next Attack, 5 = Follow Through, 6 = Bash |
4671 | | GetAliasedRef | UNK:63 uestAlias |
4672 | | GetEventData | UNK:46:Event Function, UNK:47:Event Member, UNK:48 ata |
4673 | ref. | IsCloserToAThanB | UNK:4:TESObjectREFR, UNK:4:TESObjectREFR |
4674 | ref. | EquipShout | UNK:64:Shout |
4675 | ref. | GetEquippedShout | UNK:64:Shout |
4676 | ref. | IsBleedingOut | |
4677 | | UnlockWord | UNK:65:Word Of Power |
4678 | | TeachWord | UNK:65:Word Of Power |
4679 | ref. | AddToContainer | UNK:4:TESObjectREFR, Integer:Flag |
4680 | ref. | GetRelativeAngle | UNK:4:ObjectReferenceID, UNK:8:Axis |
4681 | ref. | SendAnimEvent (sae) | String |
| Send an event to the animation graph. |
4682 | ref. | Shout | UNK:64:Shout, Integer, UNK:4:ObjectReferenceID |
4683 | ref. | AddShout | UNK:64:Shout |
4684 | ref. | RemoveShout | UNK:64:Shout |
4685 | ref. | GetMovementDirection | |
4686 | ref. | IsInScene | |
4687 | | GetRefTypeDeadCount | UNK:61 ocation, UNK:60:RefType |
4688 | | GetRefTypeAliveCount | UNK:61 ocation, UNK:60:RefType |
4689 | ref. | ApplyHavokImpulse | Float, Float, Float, Float |
4690 | ref. | GetIsFlying | |
4691 | ref. | IsCurrentSpell | UNK:7:Spell Item, UNK:68:Casting Source |
4692 | ref. | SpellHasKeyword | UNK:68:Casting Source, UNK:59:Keyword |
4693 | ref. | GetEquippedItemType | UNK:68:Casting Source |
4694 | | GetLocationAliasCleared | UNK:63 uestAlias |
4695 | | SetLocationAliasCleared | UNK:63 uestAlias |
4696 | | GetLocAliasRefTypeDeadCount | UNK:63 uestAlias, UNK:60:RefType |
4697 | | GetLocAliasRefTypeAliveCount | UNK:63 uestAlias, UNK:60:RefType |
4698 | ref. | IsWardState | UNK:70:Ward State |
4699 | ref. | IsInSameCurrentLocAsRef | UNK:4:TESObjectREFR, UNK:59:Keyword |
4700 | ref. | IsInSameCurrentLocAsRefAlias | UNK:63 uestAlias, UNK:59:Keyword |
4701 | | LocAliasIsLocation | UNK:63 uestAlias, UNK:61:Location |
4702 | | GetKeywordDataForLocation | UNK:61:Location, UNK:59:Keyword |
4703 | | SetKeywordDataForLocation | UNK:61:Location, UNK:59:Keyword, Float:Value |
4704 | | GetKeywordDataForAlias | UNK:63:QuestAlias, UNK:59:Keyword |
4705 | | SetKeywordDataForAlias | UNK:63:QuestAlias, UNK:59:Keyword, Float:Value |
4706 | | LocAliasHasKeyword | UNK:63:QuestAlias, UNK:59:Keyword |
4707 | ref. | IsNullPackageData | UNK:71 ackageData (Possibly Null) |
4708 | ref. | GetNumericPackageData | UNK:72 ackageData (Numeric) |
4709 | ref. | IsFurnitureAnimType | UNK:73:Furniture Anim Type |
4710 | ref. | IsFurnitureEntryType | UNK:74:Furniture Entry Type |
4711 | ref. | GetHighestRelationshipRank | |
4712 | ref. | GetLowestRelationshipRank | |
4713 | ref. | HasAssociationTypeAny | UNK:69:AssociationType |
4714 | ref. | HasFamilyRelationshipAny | |
4715 | ref. | GetPathingTargetOffset | UNK:8:Axis |
4716 | ref. | GetPathingTargetAngleOffset | UNK:8:Axis |
4717 | ref. | GetPathingTargetSpeed | |
4718 | ref. | GetPathingTargetSpeedAngle | UNK:8:Axis |
4719 | ref. | GetMovementSpeed | |
4720 | ref. | GetInContainer | UNK:4:TESObjectREFR |
4721 | | IsLocationLoaded | UNK:61:Location |
4722 | | IsLocAliasLoaded | UNK:63:QuestAlias |
4723 | ref. | IsDualCasting | |
4724 | ref. | DualCast | UNK:11:Magic Item, UNK:4:ObjectReferenceID |
4725 | | GetVMQuestVariable | Quest, UNK:76:VM Variable Name |
4726 | | GetVMScriptVariable | UNK:4:ObjectReferenceID, UNK:76:VM Variable Name |
4727 | ref. | IsEnteringInteractionQuick | |
4728 | ref. | IsCasting | |
4729 | ref. | GetFlyingState | |
4730 | ref. | SetFavorState | Integer |
4731 | ref. | IsInFavorState | |
4732 | ref. | HasTwoHandedWeaponEquipped | |
4733 | ref. | IsExitingInstant | |
4734 | ref. | IsInFriendStatewithPlayer | |
4735 | ref. | GetWithinDistance | UNK:4:ObjectReferenceID, Float |
4736 | ref. | GetActorValuePercent | UNK:5:Actor Value |
4737 | ref. | IsUnique | |
4738 | ref. | GetLastBumpDirection | |
4739 | | CameraShake | Float, Float |
4740 | ref. | IsInFurnitureState | UNK:73:Furniture Anim Type |
4741 | ref. | GetIsInjured | |
4742 | ref. | GetIsCrashLandRequest | |
4743 | ref. | GetIsHastyLandRequest | |
4744 | | UpdateQuestInstanceGlobal | Quest, UNK:19:Global |
4745 | ref. | SetAllowFlying | Integer |
4746 | ref. | IsLinkedTo | UNK:4:TESObjectREFR, UNK:59:Keyword |
4747 | ref. | GetKeywordDataForCurrentLocation | UNK:59:Keyword |
4748 | ref. | GetInSharedCrimeFaction | UNK:4:TESObjectREFR |
4749 | ref. | GetBribeAmount | |
4750 | ref. | GetBribeSuccess | |
4751 | ref. | GetIntimidateSuccess | |
4752 | ref. | GetArrestedState | |
4753 | ref. | GetArrestingActor | |
4754 | ref. | ClearArrestState | |
4755 | | EPTemperingItemIsEnchanted | |
4756 | | EPTemperingItemHasKeyword | UNK:59:Keyword |
4757 | ref. | GetReceivedGiftValue | |
4758 | ref. | GetGiftGivenValue | |
4759 | | ForceLocIntoAlias | UNK:61:Location, UNK:63:QuestAlias |
4760 | ref. | GetReplacedItemType | UNK:68:Casting Source |
4761 | ref. | SetHorseActor | UNK:4:TESObjectREFR |
4762 | ref. | PlayReferenceEffect (pre) | UNK:77:Reference Effect, Float:Time, UNK:4:Aim-at target |
4763 | ref. | StopReferenceEffect (sre) | UNK:77:Reference Effect |
4764 | | PlayShaderParticleGeometry (pspg) | UNK:62:Form, Float |
4765 | | StopShaderParticleGeometry (sspg) | UNK:62:Form, Float |
4766 | | ApplyImageSpaceModifierCrossFade(imodcf) | UNK:42:Imagespace Modifier ID, Float |
| Adds a crossfade imagespace modifier to the active list |
4767 | | RemoveImageSpaceModifierCrossFade(rimodcf) | Float |
| Remove a crossfade imagespace modifier from the active list |
4768 | ref. | IsAttacking | |
4769 | ref. | IsPowerAttacking | |
4770 | ref. | IsLastHostileActor | |
4771 | ref. | GetGraphVariableInt | String |
4772 | ref. | GetCurrentShoutVariation | |
4773 | ref. | PlayImpactEffect (pie) | String, String, Float, Float, Float, Float, Integer:Int, Integer:Int |
4774 | ref. | ShouldAttackKill | Actor |
4775 | ref. | SendStealAlarm (steal) | Actor |
4776 | ref. | GetActivationHeight | |
4777 | | EPModSkillUsage_IsAdvanceSkill | UNK:5:Actor Value |
4778 | ref. | WornHasKeyword | UNK:59:Keyword |
4779 | ref. | GetPathingCurrentSpeed | |
4780 | ref. | GetPathingCurrentSpeedAngle | UNK:8:Axis |
4781 | ref. | KnockAreaEffect (kae) | Float, Float |
4782 | ref. | InterruptCast | |
4783 | | AddFormToFormList | UNK:62:Form, UNK:62:Form |
4784 | | RevertFormList | UNK:62:Form |
4785 | | AddFormToLeveledList | UNK:62:Form, UNK:62:Form, Integer:Int, Integer:Int |
4786 | | RevertLeveledList | UNK:62:Form |
4787 | | EPModSkillUsage_AdvanceObjectHasKeyword | UNK:59:Keyword |
4788 | | EPModSkillUsage_IsAdvanceAction | UNK:80:Skill Action |
4789 | | EPMagic_SpellHasKeyword | UNK:59:Keyword |
4790 | ref. | GetNoBleedoutRecovery | |
4791 | ref. | SetNoBleedoutRecovery | Integer |
4792 | | EPMagic_SpellHasSkill | UNK:5:Actor Value |
4793 | | IsAttackType | UNK:59:Keyword |
4794 | ref. | IsAllowedToFly | |
4795 | ref. | HasMagicEffectKeyword | UNK:59:Keyword |
4796 | ref. | IsCommandedActor | |
4797 | ref. | IsStaggered | |
4798 | ref. | IsRecoiling | |
4799 | ref. | IsExitingInteractionQuick | |
4800 | ref. | IsPathing | |
4801 | ref. | GetShouldHelp | Actor |
4802 | ref. | HasBoundWeaponEquipped | UNK:68:Casting Source |
4803 | ref. | GetCombatTargetHasKeyword (gcthk) | UNK:59:Keyword |
4804 | | UpdateLevel | |
| Update the player's level based on current skill usage amounts. |
4805 | ref. | GetCombatGroupMemberCount (gcgmc) | |
4806 | ref. | IsIgnoringCombat | |
4807 | ref. | GetLightLevel (gll) | |
4808 | | SavePCFace (spf) | String |
4809 | | SpellHasCastingPerk | UNK:39 erk |
4810 | ref. | IsBeingRidden | |
4811 | ref. | IsUndead | |
4812 | | GetRealHoursPassed | |
4813 | | UnequipAll | |
4814 | ref. | IsUnlockedDoor | |
4815 | ref. | IsHostileToActor | Actor |
4816 | ref. | GetTargetHeight | UNK:4:TESObjectREFR |
| Get the delta on z between two references |
4817 | ref. | IsPoison | |
| Is the object a Poison potion |
4818 | ref. | WornApparelHasKeywordCount | UNK:59:Keyword |
4819 | ref. | GetItemHealthPercent | |
4820 | ref. | EffectWasDualCast | |
4821 | ref. | GetKnockStateEnum | |
4822 | | DoesNotExist | |