本帖最后由 星、辉 于 2016-1-15 13:11 编辑
Darth-Vader Armor with Havok Cloth Physics by invalidfate for porting and animation - Shigen the skyrim originate 带有havok衣服物理效果的达斯维达装甲
For The Emperor! 为了帝王!
话说那天黑武士为了救儿子自毁却不小心穿越到了辐射世界并生下了他的私生子——尚恩! 而正当生活美满时,核战争爆发了,我们的故事就此开始。(上面都是我瞎编的,我编不下去了。。)
This mod brings the famous Darth Vader armor ported from Skyrim (in steam workshop link). In addition, the cape and skirt are built with hovok cloth featuresm. Last, there is a customized 1hm equip/idle animation replacement for the Lord Vader in my pose mod "pose anyway" 1hm_vader
1) in console, type "help darth 4", and you will get the item codes.
(cursed helmet do play Vader's breath sound every time you equip and stop sprint )
PS: if no item code returned, please check if your NMM do load the esp right. (check install section)
2) in console, type "player.additem [item code in (1), do not include brackets]"
Alt) get via item codes, but you need to replace xx to your mod load order in hex code
"player.additem xx077802" coursed helmet
"player.additem xx077803" helmet
"player.additem xx077804" armor without cape
"player.additem xx077805" cape
如何获取:1)控制台输入“help darth 4”(引号不包括)然后你就得到了物品代码 2)控制台里输入player.additem [刚刚得到的物品代码] 即可。(不包括方头括号) or 你直接输入以下代码:(xx是此mod在你的nmm中的排序号) player.additem xx077802 得到追逐头盔
player.additem xx077803 得到头盔
player.additem xx077804 得到没斗篷的铠甲
player.additem xx077805 得到铠甲
PS:34L告知这个mod还有一个配套的光剑单手挥剑动画,黑武士这样才帅~文件在34L,请点击34L文字前往下载~ PPS:mod未汉化,欢迎热心人士汉化。 Q:为何不汉化? A:因为我懒。 Q:…… |