标题: DarthMod Empire 2.1 发布(帝国1.3MOD) [打印本页]

作者: robin5279    时间: 2009-6-29 09:48
标题: DarthMod Empire 2.1 发布(帝国1.3MOD)
DarthMod Empire 2.1 发布(帝国1.3MOD)

“ DarthMod帝国”指挥官版增加了单元尺寸而异每派和单位类型。 This edition is for a true Strategist , as the game becomes a real battle simulation with thousands of troops! 这个版本是一个真正的战略家 ,作为游戏成为一个真正的战斗模拟数以千计的部队!

1.Unzip the file using a program such as WinRar, which can be downloaded from here.
2.Open DarthMod Empire Commander Edition file

2.Copy darthmod.pack to Crogram FilesSteamSteamAppscommonempire total wardata

3.Copy user.empire_script.txt to :

VISTA C:Users(Your User Name Here)AppDataRoamingThe Creative AssemblyEmpirescripts

XP Cocuments and Settings(Your User Name Here)Application DataThe Creative AssemblyEmpirescripts

DarthMod Empire includes :
DarthMod帝国 包括

- Optimized Land battle system (Musket lethal in short range but not in long range, Extra balance for all units per faction, more difficult AI by indirect methods etc.)
- 优化土地战斗系统 (步枪致命的短距离而不是在长期范围内,外平衡所有单位派,更难以人工智能以间接的方法等)
- Optimized Naval battle system (Ships turn and handle realistically, each faction has a special battle character, realistic tactical battle AI from indirect methods etc.)
- 优化海战系统 (船舶转向和处理现实,每个派别有着特殊的战斗性,切合实际的战术战斗的间接方法,人工智能等)
-Better Campaign AI (More aggressive AI, Better decisioning in land invasions, better Naval AI blockades, better Alliance group wars etc.)
更好运动人工智能 (更积极的人工智能,更好的决策土地入侵,更好的人工智能海军封锁,更好地联盟集团战争等)

Special New in version 2.1
-Added Multiplayer support (Use the darthmod.pack of "For MP" folder).
增值多人支持(使用darthmod.pack “为议员”文件夹) 。
-Added hot fixes (Cossack unit number fixed, balanced the musketry).
增值补丁(哥萨克单位数目固定,平衡的枪械) 。

Special New in version 2.0
-Compatible with the latest CA Patch 1.3.
兼容最新晚上补丁1.3 。
-Adapted almost everything but also changed a lot in the balance of units comparing to past DarthMod so that to keep the new ideas of CA.
自适应几乎一切,而且还改变了很多在比较平衡的单位过去DarthMod ,以便让新的想法的CA 。
(Where I did not agree there were a lot of changes)....
you will get the Darth Feeling.
-I have not modded the CAI because I want to test how is the new CA balance in this.
,我还没有modded CAI课件,因为我想考验是如何平衡的新的CA在此。
-There are some files there that are unmodded for future use.

Special New in version 1.9
-I have removed everything interfering with CAI.
It seems there are hidden incompatibilities which I cannot risk keeping in the mod.
I will find a way to rework on it later.
Until then enjoy DarthMod with Vanilla CAI, with its goods and bads.

Special New in version 1.85
-Made a change in 2 db files to certify that they are adapted to the new patch (Thanks zowrath for the tip, although I have seen that the files are 1.0 version, which means OK, not needing special actions) Despite that I did it and I hope CAI is improved.
-Increased probability to recruit naval units, to adapt to the new patch...
which is starting to get in my nerves.

Special New in version 1.8
-Full adaptation for the new patch (Thanks Alpaca for the prompt modification of Pack Extractor).
充分适应新的修补程序(由于羊驼为迅速改变包装机) 。
-I removed the formations of the new patch.
Somehow it seemed to me this bin file was causing a large proportion of the suicidal melee charges.
I use the formation file of the old patch.
Tell me by testing if you see much better AI behaviour as I have noticed (Not miracles because there are other hard coded parameters which I cannot mod).
告诉我的测试,如果您看到了更好的人工智能的行为,我已经注意到(不奇迹,因为有其他硬编码参数,我不能国防部) 。
-Changed a lot of melee parameters in KV rules to create a cinematic endurance of melees.
,改变了很多的混战参数千伏规则,以创造一个电影耐力melees 。
-Jaegers have light muskets instead of rifles (as corrected in the patch).
- Jaegers有轻火枪不是步枪(更正后的修补程序) 。
-Platoon fire removed (Nice, fancy but... useless as Fire and advance).
-野战排火灾删除(尼斯,幻想,但...无用的消防和推进) 。
-Made CAI to defend more its provinces as requested (hopefully).
国产蔡保卫更省的要求, (希望) 。

Special New in version 1.7
-Adaptation phase 1 for the new patch (tax Fix, some other parameters in KV_Rules such as the melee intervals etc.)
-Reworked the artillery ranges and time reloads.
-Fixed the explosion probability of ships.
-Included a version without the Darth CAI parameters so that you play only pure vanilla CAI (It will be more passive).
,包括一个版本的达斯西迪蔡参数,以便您只能发挥纯香草蔡(这将是较被动的) 。

Special New in version 1.6
-Ship speeds lowered and now better.
-Ship damage model more realistic (1-2 mistakes in maneuvering and the ship sustains critical damages from the better position of the opposition).
船损伤模型更为现实( 1-2失误,船舶操纵和维持关键赔偿更好的立场,反对) 。
-Naval moral balanced for new effects.

Special New in version 1.5
-Improved the time intervals between attack/defence animations.
You will notice: Better individual self defense per soldier and unit, swifter time intervals between volley fires in fire by rank system, better responses....
a general better efficiency which affects also the AI which becomes more dangerous also this way.
-Lowered the penalties for flank/rear exposure.
-Balanced morale system for the new effects.
-Improved naval morale system for easier surrenders.
-Increased the radius of chain shots.

Special New in version 1.4
-New Musket Balance based on Feedback of Bythesword and Naimad (Accuracy system became more fragile but the lethality is increased to creat the proper devastation from close range).
新步枪平衡的基础上反馈Bythesword和Naimad (准确的系统变得更加脆弱,但增加的杀伤力是创造适当的破坏从近距离) 。
-Moral system changed to balance the new effects.
-Also Naval cannons will do more damage from afar.
-Trying my best to show some Naval Invasion to the game by triggering priorities (I do not guarantee anything but I will need your feedback).
,试图以我的最佳表现出一定的海军入侵游戏引发的优先事项(我不能保证什么,但我需要您的意见) 。
-English Line Infantry got better melee and less defence from the base balance given in previous versions.
-Ammo has been reduced so that it is more important during a long battle

Special New in version 1.3
-Chainshot range decreased.
- Chainshot范围有所减少。
-Experience will level up slower from level 3 and up.
-Moral system updated (General Unit will inspire more, Flank and rear exposure will not be tolerated and also it helps Ai to cover itself better, Musket volleys will have devastating effects).
道德系统更新(一般股将激励更多的,侧翼和后方暴露不会被容忍和爱也有利于更好地支付本身,步枪齐射将产生破坏性影响) 。
-CAI updated (Allied packs will fight together, You will watch AI to help each other and also the Human player, AI will not tolerate enemy in its lands and will respond aggressively by attacking or placing armies to strategic points of the map)...
才更新(盟军包将共同战斗,您将观赏人工智能互相帮助,也是人类的球员,人工智能将不会容忍敌人在其土地和积极的回应攻击或把军队战略要点的地图) .. 。
The CAI seems very good now...
ready for the Naval Invasion plugin of CA!

Special New in version 1.2
-Carronade frigates more powerful (64lb cannons).
- Carronade护卫舰更强大(六十四磅大炮) 。
-Lowered the probability of explosion of some ships (hopefully).
,降低了发生爆炸的可能性,一些船舶(希望) 。
-Campaign AI improvements.
(AI will use better region siege tactics, raids and attacks far better, AI Military technology favoured etc.).
(大赦国际将使用更好的区域包围战术,突袭和攻击好得多,大赦国际军事技术支持等) 。
-Corrected 2-3 unit size imbalances.
-Fatigue system updated.
-Melee system greatly enhanced (More lively 1vs1 combat and formation penetration effects)

Special New in version 1.1
-Improved the melee mechanics (You will see a lot of cinematic animations as you have correctly asked and an improved and challenging overall battle system)
改良混战力学 (你会看到很多电影动画正如你正确地要求和改进的和富有挑战性的整体战斗系统)
-I changed the darthcom.pack to darthmod2.pack due to being renamed by antivirus checkers.

Special New in version 1.0
-Corrected the bug of fatigue in my mod. The file unit_stats_land_experience_bonuses is bugged if you import it directly to a mod.
,改正了错误的疲劳,我国防部。 档案unit_stats_land_experience_bonuses是进口窃听如果您直接到国防部。
You have to put 3 zeros to the table, or else it destroys the game, affecting fatigue(!!!) and other parameters.
All modders should be alerted and correct accordingly.
This is a proof that you cannot use too many mods without knowing what you add to your game.
As of now....
I have no responsibility if you use other mods with my mod.
Strange things can happen (like this) and no one takes notice.
奇怪的事情可能发生( EDI 负责, 没有人需要另行通知。
As I progress I will add other mods, only when I have fully tested them to trust them.
-Created dynamic fatigue system (Units get tired more easily but rest faster).
创建动态疲劳系统(单位更容易感到疲倦,但其余的速度) 。
-New dynamic experience system (Units that gain experience are having a significant advantage from rookies. Experience can be gained realistically after every battle in DarthMod and not after .... ages as in Vanilla).
新动态经验系统(单位,积累经验是具有明显的优势,从新秀。经验能够得到切实的战斗后,每DarthMod ,而不是在后....年龄在香草) 。
-Increased costs per cannon type to balance their firepower value.
-New musket lethality which improves the previous version, making the game far better.
-New general balance unit tweaks (A battle will show what I mean... sorry end of talking... time for you to play!).
新总体平衡股调整(大战将显示我的意思...抱歉结束谈话...时间内给您玩! ) 。

Special New in version 0,95
-Grenadiers have more upkeep cost.
- Grenadiers有更多的维修保养费用。
Some more cost of recruitment.
-Rocket ships have much more cost to make them less desirable.
-Made AI to volley from closer range (Test) and revamped the whole battle system through various techniques of morale and other attributes settings.
That goes for naval battles too.
-Close range Musket lethality is increased and now everything seems set (Try it).
,近距离步枪杀伤力增加,现在一切似乎集(试用) 。
-Turkish units have even less upkeep to help them grow Huge armies.
-Fatigue files are removed from mod...
something is wrong with these files (They seem bugged from vanilla and I removed them for now).
在某处有问题,这些档案(他们似乎窃听从香草,我除去他们现在看来如此) 。
-Grenadiers have Square Formation ability.
- Grenadiers有广场形成能力。
-Russian Line Infantry costs even less, so that the Russians can wage even more armies.
Some other units too.
-Cavalry balance reworked a lot (Hussars became a defensive skirmish cavalry, Lancers real chargers, Uhlans something in the middle, Cuirassiers a good all around cavalry and also other).
-骑兵平衡返工了很多(骠骑兵成为防御战斗骑兵,李晓霞真正的充电器, Uhlans东西在中东, Cuirassiers一个很好各地骑兵和其他) 。

Special New in version 0,9
-Grenadiers will not be able to throw grenades (Until there is a fix to be able to change their ammunition)
- Grenadiers将无法投掷手榴弹(直到有一个补丁能够改变他们的弹药)
-More devastating close range musket fire (The way it was requested)
-Cannon trails will be those of the great mod of scivian

Special New in version 0,85
-Removed Population cost for armies (Only 200 instead of 2000 which was set in previous version)
-Made the rank distance in units a little higher
-Re-inserted the cannon trails (Laser muskets are out permanently)
-Ferguson and green jackets will have variance (propose)
-Infantry morale has greater shock penalty against extended missile fire
-New fatigue alterations
-Campaign AI work out (Should be better, needs testing)
-Land experience will be gained differently in accuracy and reload rates
-Modified the charge distance (A new parameter I have found) to create a true battle experience and better AI

Special New in version 0,8
-Improved the Campaign AI (Hopefully).
改良运动人工智能(希望) 。
-New Musket Balance = Devastating close range fire.
Harder Battles.
-Removed the laser bullet-ion cannon trails of vanilla (I needed them for calibration... off they go now).
去除激光子弹离子炮步道香草(我需要他们的校准...从他们现在就去) 。
-New Land Unit Balance (Melee Units are very dangerous when they are close, Line Infantry get new special character=very large Defence, low Melee= The battle mechanics makes them to keep formation like the Last of the Mohican movie)
-Balanced Cannons= Special shells have lower range and higher reload penalty, adjusted their universal accuracy)
-Naval Cannons have special reload rates each.
(Each Ship is now even more important due to the special realistic balance there is already)

Special New in version 0,75
-I removed the "fire and advance" ability.
AI gets lethal without it.
-Increased the ammo.
-Optimized the accuracy and the aiming system of the muskets to feel realistic.
-Made Absolute Monarchy to have better bonus in recruiting troops.
作者: 蘇格蘭風笛    时间: 2013-5-16 22:42

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