- 贡献度
- 33
- 金元
- 15838
- 积分
- 1716
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2009-1-17
- added exp multiplier.
- added cam speed multiplier.
- updated disable cam auto-adjust. refined the script, as it didn't cover all scenario.
- updated inf. items. allows you to change the min quantity for spirit emblems (if set to spirit emblems is set to "inf.")
- updated the description of guard reflect. roughly based on the feedback from KS212.
- added link to the post where Actez shared the item IDs and how to change the items.
- updated to inf. consumables to inf. items. read description for details!
- added some [misc.] pointers. e.g., vitality mod, attack power mod, sen, etc.. there's a lot of "?" pointers. feel free to test them out. remember to back up your save first!
- added quantity in storage to both the pointers of [highlighted inventory item] and [highlighted equipped item]. read description first!
- added damage multiplier
- added inf. consumables and some item pointers. read descriptions first!
- updated all scripts with AOBscans. in case you're new to CE and want to have an example on how to integrated aobscans into your scripts, you can compare it to the the previous table to study one of the ways to do it.
- updated guard reflect. added another injection to filer out the player. report~
- added guard reflect
- added disable cam auto-adjust.
- updated easy guard break. mistyped a conditional jump, it's fixed now. i.e., enemies loaded onto the map won't start losing guard without you attacking them.
- added easy guard break.
- added max guard
- updated senseless enemies to stealth mod. added a feature to the script. read descriptions~
- added senseless enemies options:
- health still drop but you won't die.
max guard(无限防御)
- enemies can't break your guard.
easy guard break(轻松破防)
- reduce enemies guard to zero with 1 hit. should allows a death blow in 2 hits if the blocked.
guard reflect(所有格挡变完美格挡)
- when activated, hold guard to reflect MOST enemies' attacks (i.e., you don't need to time your guard to reflect).
- for enemies have special moves, like boss' moves, not all attacks would be deflected.
damage multiplier(攻击加倍)
- when activated, damage deal to non-player will be multiplied by the specific multiplier.
- multiplier can be changed by editing the value of x?. default: x2, can be changed by editing the script, line 3
inf. items
- when activated, you can manipulate the usage behaviour of consumables, spirit emblems, key items (e.g. Prayer Bead, Gourd Seeds, etc.), and upgrade materials individually.
- you can toggle the behaviour between "inf." and "normal". "inf." means the item quantity won't drop below 1 when used.
- if spirit emblems is set to "inf.", and you can choose the min quantity for it (default: 5).
- by script default, you'd have "inf." usage of both consumables and spirit emblems. key items and upgrade materials would behave normally.
stealth mod
- by script default, when activated, as long as you're crouching, enemies won't spot you even if you bump into them.
- set status tp always and you won't need to crouch for the script to take effect.
- if status is in crouch:
-- if you hug a wall when you're in crouch, enemies won't spot you during wall hugging. otherwise they will still spot you when you hugging a wall. and, to exit wall hugging without the enemies spotting you, you should press the crouch button/key to exit wall hugging.
-- enemies would still follow/attack you if you crouch AFTER they spotted you/entered battle with you.
exp multiplier
- when activated, exp gained would be multiplied by the specified multiplier.
- multiplier can be changed by editing the value of x?. default: x2, can be changed by editing the script, line 3
cam speed multiplier
- cam speed is too slow for my mouse even if I raised both the in-game Cam Speed and Mouse Sensitivity to mas.
- when activated, the cam moving speed would be multiplied by the specified multiplier, default, x2.
disable cam auto-adjust
- when activated. the follow cam won't auto-adjust itself when moving, should be useful if you're playing with K/M.
some item pointers
- when activated, allows you to access the pointers of:
-- [current quick item]. i.e., the one appear in the square at the bottom right.
-- [highlighted inventory item]. i.e., the items in the Inventory tab in the esc menu.
-- [highlighted equipped item]. i.e., the equipped item in the Equipment tab in the esc menu. I don't have anything unlocked other than the Quick Itmes. so I'm not sure how it'd do. it doesn't cover the items inside the item change menu when you click on an item.
- an item with ZERO quantity won't be shown.
- quantity in storage won't show the correct value if the storage quantity is zero.
- note that the "highlighted item" pointers may not be showing the correct address when you're NOT under the corresponding tab, be caution!
- DO NOT FREEZE any of the pointers (address in red)! (if you're new: you don't need to put a tick in the box of an entry if you just want to edit its value!)
- if you want to change the item, check Actez's post for item IDs and how to change an item!
- cam速度太慢,我的鼠标,即使我提高了游戏中的cam速度和鼠标对mas的敏感性。
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