921836774 发表于 2015-6-5 20:06

{分流+汉化}吸血鬼大君完全美化+增强 热衷吸血鬼玩家不进来绝对后悔!

本帖最后由 921836774 于 2015-6-15 17:06 编辑


先来最重要的 美化

[美化]吸血鬼大君 / VampireLord - HentaiSuccubus Ver-02 / 2012-09-16更新 俗称魅魔美化 具体效果怎么样 自己试试就知道{:3_111:}
不过问题就是动作有点少 不能直接拿人的动作替换 而且没有专门的身体 楼主用unpb的时候右腿那里有一条清晰可辨的接口。。。

Better Vampire Lord Transformation by Loshirai14 n网也有一个 不过这个也不对楼主的口味 为什么删都已经忘了

于是 楼主找到了这个
苍天大地 这可真是极好极好的!
专用骨骼,100+个原创动作 完全大修 除了格斗动作不能换别的都随你diy!
装备 动作 身形 全部直接替换!(默认是作者自己的shaydow身形)
漏电的就不发了 免得出事
l网原址在这里 喜欢的快去顶
http://www.loverslab.com/topic/2 ... aul-v2-12814/page-1支持tbbp 所以需要hdt插件! 原版服装炒鸡暴露! 请不要贸然变身
不过问题也有几个 不过大部分都能解决:
1.手脚消失 请把这个mod排序在royalblood line 皇族血统之后
2.使用ece的抓根宝变身之后表情恢复为默认(吓死人的大妈脸) 明天有时间发ck教程 今天发楼主自己修改过的esp 翅膀是B类型
3.人物变得很小 7头高变成4头。。。原作者修改了变身吸血鬼大君之后的身高 以使她能通过门。。。 可以自己通过ck改回来
    或者用这个mod:shaydow推荐的 qppg mod作用是通过setscale和setnodescale这两个代码修改变身狼人/吸血鬼后的身高
sz85 已经把身高修改为1.00了 所以可能过不去门

如果这三个问题你都解决了 那么 你还有最后一个问题
千万不要看哈孔变身之后的动作 因为吸血鬼的动作都是通用的{:3_95:}
安装方法:自己解压文件 然后丢data千万不要用nmm或mo安装!
原作者在3dm的资源是旧版本 请去l网下载最新版02版!

921836774 发表于 2015-6-5 20:06

本帖最后由 921836774 于 2015-6-10 10:37 编辑

好 身形动作什么的已经解决完了接下来就是n网用的人最多的 better vampires
楼主只用过那么一两次 所以什么都不知道!

已更新至7.0 手机编辑 凑活看吧……
Better Vampires 6.9 by Brehanin喜欢的请去点个赞!
第一次汉化 出了事别打我 坏档什么de概不负责
这不是最终版本 因为Brehanin2说了 最近就会有6.10{:3_90:}

版本变动如下 看的懂得自己看 看不懂的就别管了。。。
Change log
Version 6.9- New MCM option (on Troubleshooting page) to make Better Vampires compatible with other mods that adjust weapon speed. This should fix any crazy fast speeds and you won't need a PerMA patch anymore. Thanks to raulfin!

- Added a new spell: Blood Ward. It acts like a normal ward spell but instead of only drawing magicka for power it will draw upon the blood of the caster too; if you have blood points enabled, it will also decrease your blood pool while active. It can increase your defense by 40-70 and absorb 40-70 magical damage depending upon your vampiric rank.
Version 6.8- FEEDING HOTKEY! (customizable) Hotkey is set to V by default - status hotkey has been changed to X by default.
- Status message (when using the hotkey) has been compressed to only one line and will display Rank, Stage, time since last fed, and blood points (if enabled). If you need to check the number of feedings/levels needed until next rank please see the Status page of the MCM.

- NEW ability (kind of) thanks to tx12001! Night Cloak, once you have acquired it as a Vampire Lord, will be available in regular vampire form. It will enagage when you are blocking during combat and will damage melee opponents for 8-18 health/sec (depending on level) and drain 4-8 health/sec (depending on level). If you don't like this addition, it can be disabled in the MCM.

- NEW visuals for walking in sunlight (not the same as damage). This is enabled by default but can be turned off. If you just select visuals, you will smolder and your skin will look burned as you grow weaker (higher stages). If you enable sun damage, you smolder at Stages 1 and 2 and your body will burst into flames at Stages 3 and 4.
- If visuals are enabled, your vampire smoldering and charred will have decreased speechcraft while in sunlight depending on stage (-10 to -40). If sun damage is enabled, your speechcraft is decreased -15 to -70 as you burn.
- Mortal's Mask will now conceal your charred appearance and cover up the smoldering (you look more normal and have no speechcraft penalties) but it cannot conceal the flames if you enable sun damage (and/or special sun damage).

- Mortal's Mask, Reveal Auras, Vampire Vision (while crouching), Mistwalker and Domination will now all slowly consume blood points while active (if you have blood points enabled).

- The GetTimeDead condition has been removed from feeding on the dead - it may be less realistic (feeding on long dead corpses) but it will be more stable and more consistent whether feeding by activation or by hotkey use.

- Vampire Vision (activated while sneaking) and Night Vision have enhanced visuals; Vampire Vision will now allow you, when active, to hear the heartbeats of your victims grow louder as you get closer and closer.

- New MCM option to set the strength (brightness) of your night vision/vampire vision. This should allow better compatibility with ENBs.
- New MCM option that allows you to reset Vampire Lord (or become one for the first time). BE CAREFUL! I have not had it break any Dawnguard quests ... but it is a possibility. Only use this MCM option if something has glitched with VL and you'd like to reset it.
- New MCM option (on Troubleshooting page) to make Better Vampires compatible with other mods that adjust weapon speed. This should fix any crazy fast speeds and you won't need a PerMA patch anymore. Thanks to raulfin!

- Created a script that will try to refresh the facegen of NPCs you have turned whenever you enter a new cell (or one hour game time passes in your current cell); this will hopefully reduce grey face bugs, but it has no effect on some NPCs - even if you use the console.

- Adjusted the visuals, sounds, animations for turning others into Vampires
- Changed the visuals for turning into a vampire and added visuals when you increase in rank as a vampire
- Enhanced the visuals (and some sounds) for: Blink Attack, Call Creature, Invoke Fog, Praestare Sanguinare, Domination, Tollere Sanguinare, Sanguinem Reddere, and Domination

- The MCM options of disabling food, healing spells, and potions will now only affect you if you are a vampire (should still be fine to use with custom races).

- Fear's Embrace and the Customization Power are old and clunky - they have been removed by default. They can be added back if you wish by using console commands or my MCM.
分流+汉化在这里 不知道有没有什么问题 你们可以等楼主先当小白鼠 因为楼主并没有时间测试 只知道技能什么的都汉化了 mcm不知道为什么 楼主的更新不了ivrkmcm目测没汉化 稍微懂行的应该就知道 因为楼主只碰了esp文件 如果有人愿意拿去翻的话 欢迎接手 我先去看教程
有一个技能没汉化 VLTrackinCell 原谅我看不懂什么意思 另外 很多翻译都是想当然 因为百度词典没有或是意思很不科学...

另外 说不清是加强还是削弱 火焰抗性和冰弱被作者改了 削了

目前原文里反馈的主要问题就是开启探测的时候无法正常和npc对话 因为你一直听到npc的心跳声 而老滚的设定就是新声音直接打断旧对话

921836774 发表于 2015-6-5 20:07

本帖最后由 921836774 于 2015-6-5 20:46 编辑

Royal Bloodline - Vampire Lord perk tree - abilities - and more 最新版本是1.31 不过已经有人接手了 目测很快1.4就要来了
【ARROW&KNEE MOD TEAM™】【7.29更新插件】【汉化】吸血鬼皇族血统,让吸血鬼大君飞起来,让吸血鬼大君拿东西,增加天赋技能 论坛里的汉化 13年就稳定在1.31了..

Dark Maneuvers - Harkon shield Undead Lords and more by flexcreator
论坛里同样有介绍 [指路]《Dark Maneuvers暗谋》为吸血鬼大君增加了多种独特又酷炫的能力,吸血鬼大君必备(不会与其他任何吸血鬼MOD冲突)
事实上貌似还是有那么一点冲突 和变身时的技能冲突 比如你弄个变身对敌人造成伤害什么的... 我没试
同样的分流+汉化 havm 这个楼主更是干脆试都没法试 因为要求全部吸血鬼能力学全...

装了uskp请用这个   恢复死灵perk对玩家的加成
看不惯原版眼睛的请用这个842q 自行替换那两个dds文件为自己喜欢的眼睛,顺便所有吸血鬼的眼睛动作什么的都是一样的

better vampire
royalblood line
Dark Maneuvers

fzwlthtch 发表于 2015-6-5 20:07


两眼一抹黑 发表于 2015-6-5 20:18


921836774 发表于 2015-6-5 20:32

本帖最后由 921836774 于 2015-6-6 08:08 编辑

两眼一抹黑 发表于 2015-6-5 20:18 static/image/common/back.gif

tecatelin 发表于 2015-6-5 20:42


Alice_Tina芈 发表于 2015-6-5 21:58


夜空的旋律 发表于 2015-6-5 22:56


lovcln 发表于 2015-6-6 00:37


执着乃是入魔 发表于 2015-6-6 02:26


AEOLUSTPZ 发表于 2015-6-6 16:27

那么好的贴没人支持?才那么点人马? 楼主 你说还有2个 其他2个在哪里下? 我感觉其他2个有实体翅膀的更帅点 魔法的这个感觉不好

921836774 发表于 2015-6-6 17:59

AEOLUSTPZ 发表于 2015-6-6 16:27 static/image/common/back.gif
那么好的贴没人支持?才那么点人马? 楼主 你说还有2个 其他2个在哪里下? 我感觉其他2个有实体翅膀的更帅 ...

变身美化? 一个就在3dm 另一个是n网的 都给了链接啊 你直接点进去下载不就好了

AEOLUSTPZ 发表于 2015-6-6 18:08

都不是 不是N网那个 也不是你推荐的这个魔法翅膀 我说的是http://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/forum.php?mod=image&aid=3366092&size=300x300&key=81e8a74d57689e797a77d9c282329e11&nocache=yes&type=fixnone这个在那下?

921836774 发表于 2015-6-6 18:09

AEOLUSTPZ 发表于 2015-6-6 18:08 static/image/common/back.gif
都不是 不是N网那个 也不是你推荐的这个魔法翅膀 我说的是这个在那下?

这是l网玩家自己替换de啊 你随便下一套装备 也能自己替换。。。

987032338 发表于 2015-6-8 20:17


921836774 发表于 2015-6-8 20:19

987032338 发表于 2015-6-8 20:17 static/image/common/back.gif

然后 royal bloodline出1.4了
然后bv6.9和royal bloodline有那么一点不兼容

Sukula06 发表于 2015-6-8 20:22

这真是极好的 感谢分享!~

Sukula06 发表于 2015-6-8 20:23

哦对了 楼主有哈孔变身的预览图吗{:3_140:}

921836774 发表于 2015-6-8 20:40

Sukula06 发表于 2015-6-8 20:23 static/image/common/back.gif
哦对了 楼主有哈孔变身的预览图吗

哈孔穿的是自己的装备 和玩家的不一样
如果你有情趣 可以把他的换掉。。。
然后 他的动作会变。。。

电镀版好男人 发表于 2015-6-8 22:55


zeronami 发表于 2015-6-9 20:15

本帖最后由 zeronami 于 2015-6-9 20:23 编辑


asd19255 发表于 2015-6-9 21:28


921836774 发表于 2015-6-10 02:29

asd19255 发表于 2015-6-9 21:28 static/image/common/back.gif

可以近战 轻按左右键就是近战 长按那招我也不懂

921836774 发表于 2015-6-10 02:31

zeronami 发表于 2015-6-9 20:15 static/image/common/back.gif
感谢分享,但是有个问题,动作包打上后,地面攻击没有判定,打人不掉血,基本等于只能用魔法不能用近战了, ...

掉血啊,不过伤害低就是 你是不是难度调高了? 我81级 超级简单难度 去松嘉德的路上 两下才能打死敌人 具体难度的话,三个吸血球灭了奥杜因

zeronami 发表于 2015-6-10 09:54

921836774 发表于 2015-6-10 02:31 static/image/common/back.gif
掉血啊,不过伤害低就是 你是不是难度调高了? 我81级 超级简单难度 去松嘉德的路上 两下才能打死敌人 具 ...


921836774 发表于 2015-6-10 10:05

zeronami 发表于 2015-6-10 09:54 static/image/common/back.gif
我这边不是伤害低的问题,近战天赋里有个毒爪的效果,如果打中的话敌方目标身上会显示中毒效果并且掉血的 ...

链接地址强就有写啊 sz那什么……
原作者貌似说过近身攻击将会无效 但是我的近身攻击是造成了伤害的,或许那是unarm 而不是melee?然后 他修改不了 因为骨骼动作都不是他弄的…… 他还有一句很霸气的话 不对他不用的mod负责……

zeronami 发表于 2015-6-10 10:09


zeronami 发表于 2015-6-10 10:10

921836774 发表于 2015-6-10 10:05 static/image/common/back.gif
链接地址强就有写啊 sz那什么……
原作者貌似说过近身攻击将会无效 但是我的近身攻击是造成了伤害的,或 ...


921836774 发表于 2015-6-10 10:35

zeronami 发表于 2015-6-10 10:10

Q: I love the idea of this mod, however I would love it if you used *INSERT ARMOR I LIKE BETTER HERE* for the transformation. Can you do this?
A: Nope, but YOU CAN! First, download the LOOSE file version of the mod. Navigate to your Skyrim\DATA\meshes\actors\vampirelord\Replacer folder. Now as long as the armor you're picking uses default bipedal slots, such as 32 body for chest / etc, you can just take the new chest piece NIF you like better, rename it VampireLordReplacerChest, and replace the one in the folder! If the body for the armor you want to replace uses a different body texture, no worries! Just go to the Skyrim\\DATA\textures\actors\vampirelord\Replacer and replace any of the body textures you wish! I tried to make this mod a standalone, yet I set it up to be VERY easy for anyone who wishes to customize it however they wish.

Q: The animation overhaul is sweet! However I really wish I could use * INSERT ANIMATION I LIKE BETTER HERE* instead of the one you picked. Can I do this?
A: You sure can! Although it is not as easy as the above in terms of replacing, simply because of the file names may be a bit rough for anyone not familiar with them ( and most people are NOT familiar with VampireLord animation filenames ). Some of them are pretty self evident ( such as levitate_idle.hkx ), while many of them are "transition" animations, something that while normal animations don't use very often, VampireLords use rather a few of them. These transition animations are animations that play when going from one animation to the other ( such as, your floating, then when you go to land a transition animation plays, and then your in your standing animation ). Finding a good transition will be up to you, though I will be more than happy to help you out.

Q: I was using your older Celestial VampireLord replacer and the wings used to work. With this new OVERHAUL version the wings stopped working! Why did this happen?
A: the wings stop moving if you're using the OVERHAUL as the movement seems to be triggered by the ( Original ) vampire lord animations. I've even added in all the bones needed to the new skeleton for them, and have tried putting the behaviours needed in the nif, but it's a no go. This seems to be the same type of odd flag that the melee combat uses. If you don't decide to use the overhaul you would notice both wings A and wings B would move.

I was hoping someone with a lot more knowledge than me of animations could would come along one day and help fix it. I don't have any real knowledge of animations at all. All I did was looked at how the vampirelord itself was structured and its animations, then began to replace each animation one at a time to see what it did, followed by finding a suitable animation to go along with it ( like dropping to the ground, bats power, etc ). It was nothing really but tedious and time consuming to find ones that worked well. Now that they are there, I'm betting someone will take a look at what I'm talking about in the animations and MIGHT be able to fix it.

MIGHT. My google research after all this time has proven less than fruitful, and why I released it the way I did, since I'm not even sure it can be done without creating a brand new set of animations and it requiring FNIS to work, and again, that is beyond my ability to do, and when it comes to VampireLords, I'm not 100% sure it is even possible
作者的faq你近身攻击有伤害,但近身攻击带毒却不能生效 是吗?
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查看完整版本: {分流+汉化}吸血鬼大君完全美化+增强 热衷吸血鬼玩家不进来绝对后悔!